"She's A Rebel"

She's a rebel
She's a saint
She's salt of the earth
And she's dangerous

She's a rebel
Missing link on the brink
Of destruction

From Chicago to Toronto
She's the one that they
Call old whatsername

She's the symbol
of resistance
and she's holding on my
heart like a hand grenade

Is she dreaming
what I'm thinking
Is she the mother of all bombs
gonna detonate

Is she trouble
like I'm trouble
make it a double
twist of fate
or a melody that

She sings the revolution
the dawning of our lives
she brings this liberation
that I just can't define
nothing comes to mind

She's a rebel
She's a saint
She's salt of the earth
And she's dangerous

She's a rebel
Missing link on the brink
Of destruction

She's a rebel
She's a saint
She's salt of the earth
And she's dangerous

She's a rebel
Missing link on the brink
Of destruction

She's a rebel, She's a rebel, She's a rebel, And she's dangerous [x2]

this song is FREAKING ringing in my head!!!!!! its damn nice though...lolx.....
shit have to go to school tmr...cant i be sick longer!?!?!?!

everyone should buy JJ new disc!!!!! and then cry to every song...lolx...

i cant see half the things i type man...haiz...i dont think goin school on mon...AND ITS NOT CALLED PON!!!! slept like 20 hours then sleep eat then wonder so fat...haiz....

anway...went bowling with xiaoqiang and josepig on thurs i was the worst score i ewver gotten...thx to the two ppl...who keep shouting RICHARD and JUNWEI!!!!like mrs P. put RICHARD sitting behind me...cant turn around and talk without laughin...lolx...then he acted so bitchy when mrs P. say change his place...lolx...another word------gay!!!! lolx....alvin mok look so puny next to least she nvr change sy away...if not i die leh....lolx


thou shall try not to fold skirt!
but thou shall fold socks!! :]

HUIMIN!!! thx loads for lending me that disc!!! damn nice "100 days with mr arrogant"!!!!....
i seriously recommend it to everyone!! lolx...korea movies so rox la...

haiz...but today dunno why...i juz kept shouting at my mum....regretting it like hell now...someone teach me to control my temper....sobx...but jux cant pull down my face to say sorry.....HELP ME....

wah... STRESS!!!! stupid jolene koh get what 5 pointers lar....i am freakin stress...!!! ar!!!!!

...this few days are like so uneventful lar...without HSC!!! lolx.... i so 'miss' my 'fave' teacher lar!!! commotion in class. no one to piss...and that ALVIN MOK AND HUIMING AR!! wat...pair me up with junwei...want me to puke blood lar...lolx...then Qinyi keep calling me XIAOZHU!! arrr!!! *pulls hair*....

my maid is a fucking piece of shit... i dont even wanna explain...why am i pissed everyday??!?!?!

HO SOO CHOO THAT BLOODY MOTHERFUCKING BITCH!!!!!!sorry for the vulgarities...i cant help it...she is jux bloodily pok...asshole...think her speech can gan dong me izit!!! loser!!!
here's our bloody speech outside the bloody classroom:
HSC:are u defiant by character ar sharon?
me:er... i cant judge myself
HSC: i know you dont like me...but it is my responsibility to teach you and you should listen in my class
HSC: do you know how yo respect a teacher?
me:yar(but not u...fucking bitch)
HSC:i hope you listen in my class next lesson..i dont want to see you you understand
me:emm..(blah blah blah...)

this sounds like the i not stupid too thing...lolx....firstly thing her lesson...have to stand behind class..not like 10 ppl stand with me..lolx...we crap behind like siao...then laugh until damn loud...she cannot say anything...lolx...cos we already kena punish..lolx...then i think she cock eye lar... i holding my worksheet she ask me where my wtf lar..i pity her husband sia..eye paste stamp one....this kinda junk oso marry..arm so flabby...chest so flat....ass so huge...haiz...fa yu bu liang ar...somemore so short...if her husband tall hor... how they that one ar?!?!?!? haha....not that i wanna noe...ewwwwwwwwwww...lolx

anyway...after that....she say i talking with sy then only i stand up wat the hell lor...she is fucking bias lar!!!i need to stand sy dont need....too pissed to type liao...update soon

*Dawood--bloody loser who cant teach physics....let me fail let me fail let me fail!!!!!!! haiz
*Sharmilla--" you guys are the noisest class i have ever had!" yeah...she said that to all her class...yeah right... lets all keep quiet so she cant "shhh: us!!! lalalala
*Chan Chow Syan--the treacher kwok is in love with...and want s to buy her a valentines day present...siao la him!! anyway...i kinda like least she can teach...not like some block of wood
*Kee Kong--i'm starting to think she is a nice teacher...kinda like least she kind enough to add marks for me...haha...then at least chem never fail...
*Ho Soo Choo--a bloody fucking bitch lar... hope can go to her face and say " va te faire voutre!!" tyhen she wont noe wat i say...then she cannot say anything!!! woohoo!!!lolx...then i will go on and say the jap word germz taught " urusei damatheiro" haha...woohoo...that shall be my resolution for the year!!! lolx
*Davamoni--i'm like his lit rep...somebody kill me...although i like him alot and appreciate his wide vocab of vulgarity, i still always forget to do his work...its like one monrth since the last assignment and i haven do yet...haix...the life of a secondary three....sobx
Ng Mo Boey--ok...i jux volunteered to go up to foyer with kwok to say a to mr soon...which obviously will lead to me doing squats after that...haha...and then can wear red vest walk around school..and start the fashion trend...NOT!!!!haha...

oh yar....i got new junior leh!!! and some more he under my charge...he is so gonna be dead...lolx...neh...but i promise kent to be nice to him yeah...then thAT ARSEHOLE!!! TAY JING WEN and his foul ugly smelly foul(did i say that?) bloody disgusting socks!!! he jux threw it in front of me the end me and zhuo yi had to chase him round the room and bash him up but thou should not bully those shorter thatn me!! lolx...with jingwen as an yeah...too bad for him...

arrrr!!!yesterday was the most fun day of all the holidays!!! lolx
cos i went bishan J8 like twice that day...then first time is watch i not stupid too with sy and jason and sy brother...then hor...that sy...very kiam pa...i say i want tissue she nvr gimme...wait until i cry until no more tears liao then she start crying then she take out the bloody tissue...haiz....eveil pig!!!!!then the show hor...very funny lor...make ppl on the verge of crying that time then put one funny scene the **** they expect us to change mood so quickly lar....then after that go shoppin...and me and sy came to the conclusion that we will nvr go shoppin with guys nxt time...especially younger ones!!!

then the second time went J8 with my uncle...then go haagendaz eat ice cream!!! woohooo...then he bluff me in the end...have to go meet his friend one... shit him la..then he say wat very the end i almost faint on the spot la..not out of admiration but cos it just proved my uncle wrong...then he go around pretendin i his girlfriend wtf lar...haiz...then later at delifrance they talk until i almost fall aslp...worst then in hell boring...then his friend leg keep hitting mine...then very ewww...

lastly!!!!! last night is damn shuang la..go uncle chris pub..then in the end i drank like 3 'screw drivers'....played pool with his daughter who is like 19 i think...yeah...and i won!!! woohoo...lolx
this morning got hangover...and last night threatening sy to come to school...she is crazy la...just call then say "sharon i not goin school tmr k!" then we argue until like 10:45....-________-
in the end i won ...wahahahaha...sign off

Yours Truly


last train home.

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