this is the song of the day!! :] jump to the beat ppl!!! cause we're gonna rock the house down!

I dont wanna wake up today
Cause everyday's the same
And I'd been waiting so long
For things to change
I'm sick of this town
Sick of my job
Sick of my friends 'cause everyone's jaded
Sick of this place
I wanna break free
I'm so frustrated
I just wannaJump! (Jump!)
Don't wanna think about tomorrow (Jump!)
I just don't care tonight
I just wanna jump (Jump!)
Don't wanna think about my sorrow
Let's go
Forget your problems
I just wanna jump

I don't wanna wake up one day
And find out it's too lateT
o do all the things I wanna do
So I'm gonna pack up my bags
I'm never coming back'
Cause the years are passing by
And I'm wasting all my ti-ti-time
Sick of this house
Sick of being broke
Sick of this town, that's bringing me down
I'm sick of this place
I wanna break free
I'm so frustrated
I just wanna jumpJump! (Jump!)
Don't wanna think about tomorrow (Jump!)
I just don't care tonight, I just wanna jump (Jump!)
Don't wanna think about my sorrow
Let's go
Forget your problemsI just wanna jump
I just wanna jumpI
can't take it anymore [x3]

Forget tomorrow, I just wanna jump (Jump!)
Don't wanna think about tomorrow (Jump!)
I just don't care tonight, I just wanna jump (Jump!)
Don't wanna think about my sorrow
Let's go
Forget your problems
It's time to let them go
Forget tomorrow, I just wanna jump (Jump!)

I just wanna jump

went RED RAIN concert today!!!
was super hyper la...
especially after karl and cy left.... the crowd was hyper la!!!
we were jumping
and jumping
and jumping!!!
then some went onstage
jump!!! lolx..
let me explain
is a christian rock band
where in the middle
their speech was so touching
SY who has never been in a church service b4 cried like hell...haha
and i think the lead guitarist is kinda cute...haha

i only like some songs though...
RED RAIN the song in particularly:]

oh wells....going perth tmr night!!!!
who wanna send me off? lolx..

ar!!!!! watched da vinci on thurs!!! wahahaha...super nice!!! the bloodline thing and everything...i think the girl who acted as sophie was super chio and i love her italian accent!!! haha... and best of all!!!! SILAS IS SUPER CUTE!!!! haha...was monkey 1's "husband" though...but now after me ranting about his hotness...she finally gave him up to me...haha....lolx...

oh man...went shopping with my walking atm today(my beloved mother)...haha..was at paragon and went into mum pronounced it as blueberry...which was HILARIOUS!!!
then she saw the horribly high i was like " so ex right!! come i bring you to the strawberry shop!!" lolx...and we laughed all the way out...its like one sinple tee is $200 la....wtheck..who in the right mind would buy is la...the the coats were like $2000...but was kinda nice though:] almost wanted to buy it...but who ask me to be a po0r li'll girl?!

BUT!! bought quite alot of things...i'm starting to love the great singapore sale!!!! a mizuno jacket...a really nice shirt that is big and white...makes me look like my "angel"! from x-men...lolx...and a long sleeve...and a three quarters jeans...yap...spent $180...and my walking atm was like " i buy you clothes give me results hor"...haix....spoiled the happy 4 hrs shopping trip...bleah...oh wells...

OMG!!! i totally love "abc dj" this show know why?!?! thats cos its the first show in singapore that says the word FUCK!!! wahahahaha....although it was censored and all...

oh wells....not in the mood to go school tmr,...go school also slp...byself sleep at home...lame... today dawood lesson like only 2 ppl listening....haha..he should just drop off and die man...wat kinda teacher is word dude-----LOSER!!!!

cant wait for the PERTH trip though!!! haven gotten my stuff yet....but maybe on the weekends...good thing not bunking with char! lolx...if not.... i think i will get raped at night...lolx... me and wendy planning to get some vodka there when shoppin...hope the teachers dont see..or find out...if not die....haha

WATCHING DA VINCI CODE this fri!!! wahahaha

my patience has a fucking limit la....

what's my maid problem?
she not happy then tell me la
keep beating bout the fucking bush
i fucking watch tv my fault
i fucking wanna relax after exams her problem izit
her son fucking lazy my fault ar
i slack her problem ar

she can just kiss my ass and die

its just a week....dont miss me ok.... :]

happen to find huimin's blog today!!! muahahah...great accomplishment:] wont tell anyone though...later she hoot me...lolx

bought 3 new story books...haha...wanted to buy the vampire hunter...but was 37 money...teh 3 books costed me $50.30 money leh....haix

but today still damn depressed...then talk to ning that time worst...her results and yijun one all so zai...then i look at my this huge feeling to cry all of a sudden....then recently happen loads of stuff...

everytime i talk to make me happy...but sad too...because of the things you use to do...but the memories are beautiful as ever...can we leave it that way? i dont wanna go on any hurts alot...

then worst....results...i dont want mon to come...i dont wanna face reality...i dont wanna feel that guilt everytime i let my parents down..i dont want to cry no more

MYEs was like shit...i screwed my physics and a maths...dont even wanna tell ppl my results...screwed english la.... stupid zhanrui and vincent got 75 for physics....


"My Immortal"
I'm so tired of being here
Suppressed by all my childish fears
And if you have to leave
I wish that you would just leave
'Cause your presence still lingers here
And it won't leave me alone
These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase


When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still haveAll of meYou used to captivate me
By your resonating light
Now I'm bound by the life you left behind
Your face it haunts
My once pleasant dreams
Your voice it chased awayAll the sanity in me
These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase[
I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone
But though you're still with me
I've been alone all along

ar!!!! I LOVE MY TUTOR'S TEETH!!!! they're super sharp can!!!! love it to pieces!!! haha

today super school...went hougang mall shipping then eat dinner with my tutor then tuition until now!!!! still tuition...haix... :[ oh wells...tmr maths and sci debrief...let me pray and let god give me a peaceful death...........

Love is patient
love is kind

It does not envy
It does not boast
It is not proud
It is not rude

It is not self-seeking
It is not easily angered
It keeps no record of wrongs

Love does not delight in evil
but rejoices with the truth

It always protects
always trusts
always hopes
always perseveres
Love never fails.

I LOVE THIS PHRASE... watched a walk to remember again today...cried again as usual...haha
so touching can...haix.... landon carter is like perfect la...if only can find someone like him..lolx

FAT HOPE AR! dont think such a guy exists............


haha...ytd went bir house to celebrate with hm ppl!!! super fun
then got her bowling frens too...

have you ever felt funny when someone you dunno sings a birthday song to you?!lolx...thats how i felt..lolx...cos didnt noe the bowling ppl...but oh wells
this year bday was like super fun...only reached home at bout 1.30am...haHA

speaking of that...
stupid maoqiang almost pushed me into the pool
karl almost pushed sy!!! lolx
at least maoqiang was the first to wish me happy birthday today...
at exactly 12am...lolx

bir and i were holding our solo concert..
with me being the VIP :]
then we were fighting with the da chang jin fans..see who louder..haha
then karl got put into kids corner cos of his dressing
then played with a little girl girl who is BIR'S parents friends child i think
then threatened to throw junwei's slipper into the pool
then he chased me round the swimming pool and the function room
then stupid karl help him trap me...wth
was kinda retarded anyway...he ended up asking me why i chase you
then when they were playing murderer and detective
i went out to the pool and sat there staring at my reflection
and i wondered...." i'm a year older! sshit..."
and then started looking up the sky
it wasnt dark but there were stars.....
then sy came out to sit with me...
wat are best friends for?! :}
and then peace was broken when everyone started coming out to talk to us


OH!!! and this year...i had 2 bday cakes :] so cool right! lolx
eat until i bth..lolx..

tell me why does this have to happen..
tell me you're nvr gonna hurt me again..
tell me how to deal with it..
tell me this pain is not real..

tell me you'll nvr go..
tell me you would hold me close..
tell me your love is real..
tell me you still love me so..

tell me why we're drifting apart
tell me that i'm still in your heart
tell me you how can i have you back
tell me of a past i didnt noe

tell me that we're soulmates

haha...i'm officially crazy la!!!! lolx..
oh wells went to watch WHEN A STRANGER CALLS with me cousin
the show like ended round 11....
then walk out of the threatre super scary can....

oh wells
the show was like freakin nice la..
then this two freakin indian seating in front were freakin sadistic la....laughing thruout the whole show....ike wtf is their problem!?!?!
reach home at 12:30am...the 2 of us were like sleepwalking aLL THE WAY HOME...haha

one more thing...sorry hum!!!!! i persuaded you not to watch it...but overall its kinda nice and the female lead is super chio la!!! and her figure is like BREATH TAKING!!!! lolx

i got a declaration of love to make :]
*rAnD! cos i just realised that we talk about almost everything to each other after the talk over the phone last night!! lolx :}
cos he's just so cute and cuddly and sweet and chubby and nice to play with and cute!! did i just say that?! oh wells...and he loves to eat!! [like me! wahahaha]
* SY

cos she's my bud and we gonna go buy our bags soon!!! haha...and we're both slackers :]

ok...thats almost it...lolx...except my guitar..which if i say would be freaking long..cos i love my guitar too much!!! :] oh and one more thing!!!
I AM SUPER HYPER!!! going out pratically everyday..:]
who cares when me birthday is coming!!!:] i cant stop smiling!!!

5.06.2006 life is full of ups and fucking downs... lets take ytd as an example... bleah...
ytd had physics and e maths for MYE...
THAT IS THE DOWN...physics paper was friggin difficult can!!! dawood is siao la...he think we'll so clever izit....bloody asshole...after the exam i statrted crying like siao...shit la...cannot cry leh...been crying too much this year.... actually half way thru phtysics i wanted to tell ng ah kay i stomachache then can take retest for physics...wahaha...but anyways...that is over...and i wanna thank yati and dale and tweety and my mum and my guitar and my mp3 and my com and my tv for being there for me :]haha...
then the day got better.... my dad brought me and my godsista and my god brothers go eat crab beehoon!!! fave food!!! the crab was like 1.7 kg la...then the leg so friggin and jason was like fighting for it...budden he fell down the chair...then everyone was so worried cos his chin hit the table...hope his alrighty now..:] since he could still eat crab last night... yap...thats why i say like is full of ups and down...
* 7 days to moi birthday!!!!:] cant wait!!!

omg!!! when cc study room study today!! got this really cute guy at the counter!!! wahaha... but i think he's kinda too bad... *grins
anyways...the room was freaking cold 19 degrees...damn i didnt bring my jacket...leg freeze...i cant even feel it now...oh wells sy ponned school today...not like me so GUAI!!! :]

WILL GET OVER EXAMS SOON!!!! but i haven even started mugging..

conclusion:i cant make it lar!!!

Yours Truly


last train home.

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