hihi! this post shall be dedicated
to my beloved MR TAN

he is the first teacher who touched my heart
he is the first teacher to be my friend
he is the first teacher whom i've opened up to
he is the first teacher to motivate me
he is the first teacher i never want to leave
he is the first teacher i ever wanted to make proud
he is the first teacher who is my mentor
he is the first teacher to stand on my side
he is the first teacher who understands
he is the first teacher to know my greatest fears
he is the first teacher who understands us teens
he is the first teacher who make me feel special

i just wanna tell him
i'll never forget
what he has taught me
i'll never forget him :]

oh btw
i failed
my amaths overall

OH MY TIAN! haha
i finally watched FORBIDDEN CITY last night
was super nice :]
to dale: ah should have watched it with me.[loads of caucasion:)]

i come to the conclusion,
that kit chan is a super zai singer
cause her vocal range is like WOAH! lolx
yep..then the boy boy acting as the emperor very cute!
haha..and i think dick lee is a fairly good composer :]
saw quite alot of local artiste there daphne khoo..blahblahblah

here's some of the lyrcis of the songs in the play

what have i said?
i've said too much
my secrets aren't an easy touch
i wasn't strong, i wasn't wise
and yet there's something in his eyes
a sinple sighn, a single smile
the charm, the wit, the strength, the guile
why be alone in foreign lands
when someone's there who understands...
like children need their mother
like rivers need the sea
like lovers need each other
like prisons need a key
like winter nights need fire
like temple needs a shrine
like loves need desire
like prophets need a sign
i need him can't he see, i need him to be mine

and i dunno why
but i feel that i can relate to some parts of the play
haha...and i think everyone should watch it! wee

yep..then i reached home at bought 12.15
and practically fell asleep immediately
i guess i shouldn't sleep at 1am everyday
seeing how jas fell sick cause of that
but worst is

oh wells.. gonna start pia-ing tonight
for now
i'll just watch tv :]

why love when love hurts. why love when love ends. i know how it feels. when it all falls and pretends.
it ends with the pain. and the making amends. why love when there's peace. in being just friends?

oh man..ytd mid autuum festival was kinda boring
we had to watch performance with the old people
and then there was this uncle
who kept 'teaching' us chinese idioms..haha
then he started singing tian mimi!!!
like wth..haha
then i think mingda very poor thing
cause he was sitting next to this uncle
who kept putting his hand on Mingda's chair
then he can't lean back
lolx..and we kept trying to trick him into lying back on the chair
so they would look like gay partners :] haha
then shaun was crapping behind us
and insulting Jay Chou.. like wth

anyways.. after all this we had to partner the old ppl
then walk them around our CHUNG CHENG LAKE!
the auntie whom i partner keep holding on to my hand
and telling me about her 5 yr old grandson
haha..and i took a picture with her :] when everything was ending
me and sy went to 'borrow' some candles and matchstick
then we went to the bench near the lake
and play with the candles..
would like to post the pictures..budden my hp cable clash with com :[
then karl, kwok, junwei and someone else came along
and thar stupid karl blew the candles
like eat shit and die la..haha
and i poured my whole bottle of water onto him :]
will..that's pretty much the fun part

wells.. here's a little something bout may babies :]
Stubborn and hard-hearted.[maybe a little] Strong-willed and highly motivated[my ass i'm motivated.. but maybe for Jay chou edison and my guitar :)]. Sharp thoughts[i don't suppose there's such things as blunt thoughts right?]. Easily angered.[so FREAKING true!!] Attracts others and loves attention.[ would i know]Deep feelings[uh huh uh huh uh huh]. Beautiful physically and mentally[HAHAHAHAHA! lmao]. Firm Standpoint[what's this suppose to mean?]. Needs no motivation['m not motivated in the first place..]. Shy towards opposite sex[how would i know..i'm neutral]. Easily consoled[no WAY! piss me off and you're dead meat]. Systematic (left brain)[look at my room for answers]. Loves to dream[does daydreaming counts? i dream to be a vampire!! :)]. Strong clairvoyance. Understanding. Sickness usually in the ear and neck[yep.. i alwats get stiff neck]. Good imagination[cool]. Good physical[yep! i love sports :)]. Weak breathing[true..i'm having block nose now..and i think i have mild asthma]. Loves literature and the arts[a 100% TRUE!]. Loves traveling[ya!! i'm gonna back pack through EUROPE!!]. Dislike being at home[no! i like being in my room and sleeping:)]Restless[that's me all right] Hardworking[ah haha..come on people..laugh at me]. High-spirited[I HAVE A SOUL?! haha].

eeks! today did cip for like 31/2 hours! haha
suppose to decorate the school for the lantern festival thang
but we only did concourse..
mainly cause we were fooling around..lolx
here's what we did :]
me, qinyi and yati sat on the bench when the guys wanted to move it
so, it took er..
junwei, zhengyang, karl, tse siong, anthony and some others
to CARRY us
like on a sedan
haha..super funny
then maoqiang also wanted.. but everyone were like
OMG!dont want! haha
then later on was me alone
then like 6 ppl were carrying moi on the bench :]
then lots of people were watching..inclding the teacher 0_o

oh wells..
then yati's father fetched me and maoqiang home
but she was like
"maoqiang, my car backseat very small leh..i don't think can fit you.."
like LOLX! offense yeah :]

here's my schedule!
tmr: a maths [trigo]
fri: e maths [trigo] + e geo map
mon: physics test [chpt 8,9,10,14] + 3 e geo maps

somemore this fri got the stupid mid-autuum festival thang till 8 plus
have to bring the old people walk around our school lake
and EAT MOONCAKES! WEE!! snowskin one :]
tues going to watch FORBIDDEN CITY :]:]:]:]:]:]
wait super long liao can...

here's a advertisement
"don't support piracy and downloading! support jay chou! and buy his disc!" :]

wee...finally went to cindy's church today
was really FUN! ..cause for youth
and everyone was darn hyper
i like kinda extra..cos i was new..haha
budden made a few friends
bong, jj, valerie, chirstine, elycia and loads more..budden i forgot the names :]
oh..and sy and i both think that the band's bassist is kinda cute:]
budden i think he's too old..lolx
then i finally saw kene today..haha
to sy: ok fine..he looks so much better than uh hem..
then celebrated 3 persons bday
yep..and wanted to eat dinner with them budden i promise to come home eat..
so too bad :[

today's service was bout whorship and
i thought about lots of things
then sy thought i was emotionally unstable
cause i think when i'm thinking that time
i look kinda depressed..haha

oh wells.. but i don't think can go again
cause my father said that because
he says its not a church without a real church(god's house)
since he was a catholic...yep
so i have to either go rand's church or find another church..yep

oh man
today's chem course at TP was a

the instructor was this indian guy
and he talked a whole one hour
and in the end i was asking jas and sy what was he talking bout
and they both shrug! haha
yep..then this group of girls behind us (dunno from what school)
they took of their shoes
and we were complaining among ourselves bout the stench
ahahahahahahah! and they all had the same so toot..haha
jas:later dont salivate when you see the guys hor
moi: nothing to salicate at in the first place
and we laughed and laughed and laughed :]
seriously..they're all nerds :/haha

then we were suppose to work with this school
then the guys were like damn HIMBO(new word by jas) la
the word just means male bimbo's the convo

other school de: (talking among themselves) you think if i stir will it affect the result?
moi: you will break the filter paper
jas: which defits the purpose of the experiment

then those ppl just practically gave that "act smart look" at us
i mean.. we were just trying to help right?!?!
you'd understand if you were there

yep..then there was this indian guy from siglap
and he was like trying to make conversation with us
yep..another convo! haha

indian guy: (he said something i forgot)
he and jas: COOL!
then i laughed and said how the two of them got mo qi!haha
jas: (whisper to me)i dare you ask his no.
moi: ok..then you ask the nerd over there:]
jas:wa lao!(haha)
indian guy: so..what's your name?
jas: sharon :]
moi: jasmine:]
then we burst out laughing cause he believed us
then he kept trying to talk somemore but meand jas were talking among ourselves!lolx
indian guy: i think i look like a monkey
(we continued ignoring him)
indian guy:hey! you guys are ignoring me huh
jas: you wait ar! (then we talk somemore..lolx)
indian guy: my friend like your that friend leh (pts at shao yun) what's her name?
jas: lily!(crappo)
indian guy: lily!lily! oi..she nvr answer me leh
then we just laughed throughout the whole course :] yep

but the funny part was before we went TP
me and jas were carrying chong yi's bag and parading around the concourse :]
haha.. was damn funny.. pics of jas with the bag with me if you wanna see :}

so..conclusion of the day is = today is a day of laughter!! haha

wah biang
my legs are like freaking breaking can
worst than on mon
thx to the bloody squats
i'm like walking up the stairs like penguin
haha.. guess those in hm should know

like every step i take i'll say one 'ow'
by the time i reach the fourth floor
i'm thirsty and hurting like hell
then today mo boey ask me stand up to talk
then my leg was like damn pain la
stupid arse

then somemore today got pe
do softball
then have to partner simin
yep..and she always throw sideways
then i have to run halfway across the bloody bball court
just to take the bloody small spongy ball
i tahan till i'm like biting my lips la

then shaun suay suay
the lips kena hit by mr koo's ball
then it was bleeding and swelling.. :/
conclusion: school sucks :]

abd so does the sick bay
i was there for like from recess till school ended
and the staff are like super noisy la
cant even rest properly

oh wells..
i watched
LAND BEFORE TIME 3! just now..haha
i finally rmb the dinos names!
little foot, sarah, spiky p-three and another one i just forgot..heh
post nxt time

yep..tehn in side there was a song
it goes something like that:
they're kids like us
they think their grown up
and they act all proud
they think that their best off alone
but all they need is someone to trust

its kinda true
cause everyone our age are concealing themselves
and we wanna act all tough
cause deep down inside
we all feel inferior
and we are always in need of something to reassure ourselves
some just bottle it all up
and in the end
their the ones who are always suffering
but when we were younger
everything seemed so trustworthy
there was never a doubt about someone or something
we gave them our trust easily
maybe that's why we use to be so happy
so we should probably just give our trust to others
but with care
because we enver knoe who would be the ones hurting us
and causing us to close our hearts all over again

today is like the first day of school
and 911
and a VERY VERY suay day
kena caught by mr soon
just cause i tuck out my shirt ankle socks and earring
heeh...and he its the third socks he confiscated la
need to buy one more pair by this week...haha

then mr chua was there la!
super malu!haha
my fave teacher leh! sian

then had to 150 squats
but i only did 50..shhhh
then got in house detention
suppose to be till 6 that day
budden i think he good mood
so i got let off earlier
then he was like
i dont wanna see you again..haha

oh wells
can only say is suay

tata...watching i love samsoon :]

i frigging screwed my bloody piano exam!
don't tell me to relax ok..
cause that's asking the impossible
i'm like sitting in my room
thinking about how much i screwed
then was listening to jay chou new cd
and then i start crying..
the right song and the right moment is all it takes :/

speaking of JAY CHOU!
guess that made up for the screwing of my piano prac
i think the best reason i can give you
to explain why i love him so much
is cause
i believe that i can relate to most of the songs :]
especially the second and last track :]
don't tell you what izit
go buy and listen yourself!! wahaha
best of all!
WITH 4 PICS OF HIM!!! :]:]:]:]:]:]

anyways.. went to watch frost biten today with skye
yep.. i was totally DISAPPOINTED!
like wth..the plot is shit
effect is typical
and the vampires are not cool!
except the blood pills :] haha
the vampires are like so stereotype
that's the only thing i can say
they have
sharp teeth
red eyes
can climb walls
got good eyesight
kill for blood
i can make a better movie :B

oh wells.. today was kinda ok least i went to the arcade!!
muahahah :]
many thanks to jo and skye

eck.. i'm starting to like ms Sharmilla
haha..those who went today's remedial should know why :]
she can't stand indian men although she's indian :] cool

i haven started on any E-learning yet...
2 chpt of physics
1 chpt chem (which is not working! so i dont need to take the test! muahaha)
i know i've been harping and complaining bout this for the past few post
:] but i can't help it!
unless someone implants the info into my head
better still!
help me take EOY
let it be my fantasy/dream..don't comment

here's what me and dale came up with what we want our dream guy to do for us
dale: shield bullets for her( :/like who would wanna shoot her!haha..not worth it :])
me: take a bus ride aimlessly with me through a whole country and keep quiet during the whole trip :] and just stare at one another :] OR my fantasy :] vampire to bite me at the graveyard! muahaha

guess that says it all for this post...haha

giddy spells
excessive waste of tissue
getting warm and cold all of the sudden
can't B.R.E.A.T.H.
just let me die...

just let me complain..

Your Fashion Style is Classic
You like what's stood the test of time...
Simple, well styled clothes that don't scream trendy
You stay updated and modern, but your clothes stay in style for a while
You wouldn't be caught in animal prints, fake fur, or super bright colors
What's" Your Fashion Style?

You Should Be With a Water Sign!
Your best match is a Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces
Why? You crave intimacy and connection in your relationshipAnd while most guys can't open up enough for you, a Water Sign canNot that you're whole relationship will be soul gazingA Water Sign matches your goofy sense of humor - and desire to help others.
What Sign Should You Date?

You are a Mild Mama
You don't have to be screaming at the top of your lungs to have a good time
You rather chill, soak in the moment, and appreciate life for what it is
Guys appreciate your "take life as it comes" approach...
(Though they wouldn't mind if you got a little wild from time to time!)
How Daring Are You?

You Are a Light Pink Rose
You represent sweetness and grace.

Your vibe: Kind and gentle

Falling in love with you: is like falling in love with a best friend
What Color Rose Are You?

You Should Wear Rectangular Sunglasses
Intelligent, confident, and fashion forward.
What Kind of Sunglasses Should You Wear?

Your Gemstone is Ruby
Daring, ethusiastic, and spontaneous.You are energetic and passionate, with an appetite for life.
What Gemstone Are You?

You Should Get an Abstract Tattoo
Artistic and uniqueYou're the most likely type to personally design your tattoo
What Tattoo Should You Get?

Your Dream Engagement Ring Has an Oval Diamond!
An oval diamond is classic enough to reflect your femininity...While being unique enough to show off that individual style you've cultivatedYour creative side will be delighted with the amount of twinkle your diamond showcasesAnd your ring's unique design will go well with all that artistic jewelry you've collected!
What's" Your Dream Engagement Ring?

Your Love Song Is
You and Me by Lifehouse
"Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to doNothing to proveAnd it's you and me and all of the peopleAnd I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you"
For you, love is very intense and a little difficult to express.
What Love Song Are You?

haha..sorry bout starting the post like that :/
but cant help it yeah :] you'll understand soon

problem: i'm gonna fail my piano prac
cause: my fingers get stuck at their postion
hence.. i cant turn em fast enough to play at a speed of 100/bar
then..there's this other problem
i still haven get the notes right :/
like wtf
solve: play till hand break
conclusion: i suck at piano exams
and my world is a total failure

oh wells... jo'lene stayed at my house last night
and we went polyclinic today to see her infected toe
lets gross everyone out!
her toe is
1- infected with fungi
2-has pus coming out
3-red and swollen
4-bleeding under the nail

sorry.. but i just ate my dinner
guess i brought it upon myself
haha.. *zonked out* and puking

anyways.. gonna go break my fingers on the piano now

sing me a something soft
sad and delicate, loud and out of key
sing me anything...

hmmm..what can i say
today is a bloody boring day :[

and the sad thing is
i'm freaking busy the whole of next week!
school on tues wed and thurs
fri piano ezam :/
hang me

i still cant play my pieces and scales properly!!!
i so dont wanna retake next year

anyways.. found out that skye is a sacardy cat!
haha.. he's afraid to watch an american haunting
(no offense eh if you're reading this :])
budden i presuaded him *grins*

anthony is also another shitfully scared wimp
he doesn't dare to stay at home himself
haha.. he's like 15 already la
was at his house today
and was about to go home
then he stopped me

here's the convo
ant: you going back ar?
moi: duh.. if not i say bye for what
ant: huh so fast ar..dont la
moi: why? scared ar
ant: ya.. you should know what
(then i started laughing like hell)
moi: ok lor.. but i eat your ice cream hor :]
ant: (gives me the face) huh na
wahahahahah..then waited with him till his mother came home
he's such a chicken

still rmb
last time
when we were like P4 or P3
then he went my house cause no one at his home
then he wanted to go home to take his gameboy but scared
so he made me go back with him..lolx

haix..i'm so in love with the past
where everything is just so simple
and people just accept others for who they are :]
oh wells.. one life live it :] haha

i wanted to fly. so you gave me your wings

she's always placing her expectations on me
i seriously think that children are born
to be insulted humiliated and degraded
by their forever unfeeling parents

everything i do is wrong
everything i want is bad
everything i say is rude
everything i like is a stupid idea

she burst into my room
and ordered me to take some shitified medicine she's taking
then she says its for my own good
and i refused
cause i've a stomach ache
and she say
i'm just like my father
like wtf..can she just piss off
she makes me love the idea of leaving home more

like can she just get a life
and stop grumbling about her stupid miserable life
like who's isn't
i wanna be so far away from her
that i can forget her
i want her outta my life

like can't she just move along...
and accept the fact that she's irritating

now i know why i love teacher's day.
cos i get to take my mum's present.
and mr chua is the most respected teacher.
mr lee and mr davamoni got something else which i forgot.
someone pls remind me, thanks.

Yours Truly


last train home.

Music Playlist at