so couldn't upload pics
and complete my post!
but i'm gna post em up now :]

this is called flour face :]
kinda gay looking
we were joking bout how people always end up
having flour all over their face
and why didn't we
so we just smeared it on ourselves!
haha. stupidity comes with the age :]

i always get buck teeth when i take photos! argh
oh wells.
then we went pp ytd
again to pastamania!
took loads of pics.
but i just can't upload
cept this one
where we took on the elevator
kinda lame.but huimin thought it artistic

oh wells.
had a fight with my mum last night
for 2 hours we practically scream at each other
then she say why i don't answer her
she thinks i'm rebelling
fact is
i don't trust myself to speak without crying
i hate feeling weak in front of people
then in the end
i finally talk
and the tears just come down
so i ended up having my words sounding choked
i hate it
she thinks she's the only one who is suffering
she just doesn't know
she doesn't know how it feels
to have someone screaming at you
just cause you can't hear what he/she is saying
and end up getting scolded in front of people
she doesn't know how i feel
to have to please parents
and keep my friends close
and to not have anyone to talk things out with
she just thinks she's all
think i'm shooting off again
so to cut things off
i feel like crap
and she doesn't understand
we're all going cold inside