i'm a happy girl today:]
cause i get to eat crab beehoon today
with susilo[the national badminton player]
and other national players! hot people!
damn shuang dao ehs

budden got something damn funkified la
this auntie came over to me when we were waiting for table
then she was like
"girl ah. where got place to sit ar?"
like wtf.haha
my reaction: -_- excuse me but i don't work here[with my best slang.]
then just nice susilo they'll come then i waved :]
then the auntie went
"isn't that the badminton player?! your friend ar?"
then i said
"yarrrr." with my brightest smile :] lolx super crap la
then she apologise for just now
haix.singaporeans are so SUPERFICIAL!
i'm so ashamed>.<

oh wells.
some one date me to watch happy feet!
i'm frigging bored at home...

i'm sick AGAIN
been sneezing since 8 this morn till now
in the spirit of christmas,
let's all sing together
"rudolph the red nose raindeer.lalal"
that's me all right
pic taken during CO

found out that you're sick too
izit fate?haha
or am i just going insane

i still like you

i'm drunk
on ab vodka plus coke
and champagne
i'll just drink myself dead
for him
for my heart
for things i can't get over
for those nights i cried alone
now i know how people can get dead drunk
i'm supressing everything inside me
with no way to release it except by crying
and occassional drinks ;]

thanks for huimin and sy and ning
for being there for me
hum and jas too ba:]
i love my galfriends :]
especially huimin's post
i cried cause of it
oh wells

i think i'm having withdrawal syndrome
don't even have mood to go out
just stay in my room and blast the music
trying to think of nothing

i'm turning into an introvert
i think its cause of you

all i have to say
is that
we all cry too much

more than what's worth our tears.

The end of hope and all it meant to me
How can I find the strength to carry on another day
Without my pride there’s nothing left to say
Is this the way my life was meant to be

Too late for me to say that I was wrong
Perhaps the weak believe that they are strong
I thought that if I tried, I’ll find a way to win their trust
Yet all I’ve known and loved has turned to dust
It seems that there was no way that I could belong

The fire that burns within your heart
The pain that tears my life apart
The rain that falls from broken skies
The love I lost beneath the lies
And must I face the truth alone?
Is this the end of all I’ve known?
The years I gave, The tears I’ve cried
Why dream of love, when love has died?


Your Inner European is Russian!
Mysterious and exotic.You've got a great balance of danger and allure.
Who's" Your Inner European?

Your Heart Is Blue
Love is a doing word for you. You know it's love when you treat each other well.You are a giving lover, but you don't give too much. You expect something in return.
Your flirting style: Friendly
Your lucky first date: Lunch at an outdoor cafe
Your dream lover: Is both generous and selfish
What you bring to relationships: Loyalty
What Color Heart Do You Have?

Your Linguistic Profile:
35% General American English
30% Yankee
15% Upper Midwestern
10% Dixie
5% Midwestern
What Kind of American English Do You Speak?

You're Totally Sarcastic
You sarcastic? Never! You're as sweet as a baby bunny.Seriously, though, you have a sharp tongue - and you aren't afraid to use it.And if people are too wimpy to deal with your attitutde, then too bad. So sad.
How Sarcastic Are You?

Your Expression Number is 5
A total multi-tasker, you have a wide variety of talents.
You're very versatile and able to change at a drop of a hat.
A free spirit, you crave change and adventure.

Clever and quick witted, you can convince anyone of anything.
You can do anything you desire... though this sometimes gets you in trouble!
Very popular, you're always thinking up new ways to entertain and amuse your friends.

Your restless and impatient attitude means you don't stay with projects for long.
You tend to be erratic and scattered - it's hard for you to focus.
You often find yourself in a state of flux with constantly changing interests.
What's" Your Expression Number?

What Your Bathroom Habits Say About You
You are very independent and self-centered. You don't solve other people's problems - and you don't expect them to solve yours.
You spend a lot on clothes, and you tend to be a very dresser. However, it's hard for you to throw away trendy clothes when they go out of style.
You have the perfect blend of confidence and class. You're proud of who you are - but you don't broadcast it.
In relationships, you tend to be very romantic and demanding. You'll treat your partner like gold, but you expect a lot in return.
What Do Your Bathroom Habits Say About You?

oh man!
today was super shuang dao! ~.~

cause today when walking out of school
it started pouring.
so i ran all the way out to bus stop
then just nice the bus came
then got a RI guy there
then we boarded the same bus
i sat right at the back
he sat in front of me
then my teeth was literally CLATTERING
cause drenched plus aircon
then the guy turn around
then he ask me
like woots la!
that's super super sweet man

i was totally imagining him as my
cause i was listening to
which is a super sweet song :]
then silence
then i just shook my head
like wtf.
i think i'm retarded.lolx.
oh wells.


hey ya'll
i'm doin my niga slanggg
just watched take the lead
and step up that day
so i'm gonna go all
yo people!
see my bling bling!

i like a song from take the lead
besides feel it from BEP :]
its called "fascination" by kem.
but i can't find the lyrics! argh!
oh wells kinda scared shitless last night
only once though
the rest was kinda expected
so yeah.

a single glance from you
a single smile from you
my fascination for you
slowly turned to love

going for horror marathon now!
an american haunting

gonna scare the sadness out of me
and the shit too

When we two parted
In silence and tears,
Half broken-hearted
To sever the years,
Pale grew thy cheek and cold,
Colder, thy kiss;
Truly that hour foretold
Sorrow to this.
The dew of the morning
Sunk, chill on my brow,
It felt like the warning
Of what I feel now.
Thy vows are all broken,
And light is thy fame;
I hear your name spoken,
And share in its shame.
They name thee before me,
A knell to mine ear;
A shudder comes o'er me...
Why wert thou so dear?
They know not I knew thee,
Who knew thee too well..
Long, long shall I rue thee,
Too deeply to tell.
In secret we met
In silence I grieve
That thy heart could forget,
Thy spirit deceive.
If I should meet thee
After long years,
How should I greet thee?
With silence and tears.

except the orange part is lime green for mine:]
haha.creative zen 2GB

except the orange part is lime green for me!

to make my ONE AND ONLY kinda groove:]

my mum bought it all for me
provided i work hard
its stupid deh
i can never predict the future
but i shall try

everyone must be happy!
for sadness bring forth tears.

today was fun fun FUN!
zheng laoshi wedding was super cool
cause towards the end
we[me.huimin.jas.qingzheng.kent] all ate
then we talk like some 2 year old kid
then me and jas and huimin said
"i love kent" in the helium voice
lolx.just being random though:]
haha.super hilarious
but i think overdose of helium will die
haha. BUT
at least today was a happy day :]
see the happiness in me

the balloons were set free in the end
so we all should be too:]

ok.then right
i walked down the church isle with
jas and huimin!
HAHA.and we were

me and jas! :]

you may kiss the bride! lolx

yap.end of crap.lolx.
then we sat around
and admire the huge amount of
BLISTERS on our legs
oh wells. at least i get to change back to my slippers when i went for the bbq at bir's house :]

the bbq was like major
lolx.then bir ended up wearing sunglasses
while bbq-ing
to prevent her from melting
p.s. she look like a mosquito with the huge sunglasses!

then we almost threw liyun into the pool
and ended up getting wet all over
like bleah.lolx

here's our stairway to happiness:]

because i belong to me
and my happiness is up to me

Your Vampire Name Is...
Queen of Pain
What's" Your Vampire Name?

Your Unique Costume is a Rasta Mon
Where's da party mon?
What Totally Unique Halloween Costume Should You Wear?

tmr's the wedding
i'll be walking into the church
with my whole bunch of friends
who've been so much of my life

then we'll sit right smack in the middle
and watch our teacher get married:]
now we have to share her with someone else
sad ehs.
at least iknow that someone around me is happy
there's too much sedness for us all to handle:]

i don't ask for much

i don't want you to declare undying love

i don't want you to force yourself to love me

i just want to let you know i care

oh wells.
i'm getting over the sadness
its not like you'll ever know of it
cause i'm good at not showing

goodbye to you
goodbye to the things i thought i knew

d0n't know what to think
i ain't got the courage to say
it hearts me bad just reading these things

what can i do
i'm crying out here
can you hear my heart break too?

i feel your pain
you can't feel mine

watched step up today
made me wanna dance
after everyone leave the theatre

cause there was only me and dale
haha. then i started grooving
then the cleaner came in
haha. so we slipped out:]

the show was kinda like coach carter
cept its dance now
and the people are hotter:]
the female lead has pacs!

all in all.
i think i wanna learn dance properly
when i find time of course:]

omg la
i think satan is bent on making me a racist
lolx. here's what happen today at 6.15pm
me and dale waiting at concourse
then we saw this whole group of indian/malay guys
they played in our school street soccer court
then they went concourse where we were
then dale took their pic
and they saw
then they confronted us

them:you take our pic ar?
me:why would we wanna take your pic?
them:don't bluff we saw it lar
me:who would wanna take your pics
[i whispered"not worth it" to dale.haha]
them:this is a public place
me:this is our school.and i believe you're not suppose to come in
[i rolled my eyes.lolx]

then they said something in their language
glared at us
i just stare blank face at them la.lolx
then they went out
WE WON! haha

then we wrote a letter to mr soon
super funny
we laughed all the way while writing la

oh wells.
tmr gor parent meet
must meet mo boey
screwed sia
hope she sick tmr :]

sunday going zhen laoshi wedding
then can go out.
shhh.don't tell k :]

yep then today xiaozu
wujun came back
and he ask me to post CO night pics
see here they are :]

cuiguan people

suona family! weee!:]

Halloween Horoscope for Taurus
For you, halloween is about looking your best - even if it costs a fortune.You don't mind a little sweet stuff either, as long as it's high quality chocolate.
Costume suggestions: An elegant princess / prince. Or a high class vampire.
Signature Halloween candy: Truffles
What's" Your Halloween Horoscope?

Your Attitude is Better than 50% of the Population
You have a positive attitude... somtimes. You prefer to see the world through clear glasses, not rose colored ones.
How's" Your Attitude?

Your Birthdate: May 14
You work well with others. That is, you're good at getting them to do work for you.It's true that you get by on your charm. But so what? You make people happy!You're dynamic, clever, and funny. And people like to have you around.But you're so restless, they better not expect you to stay around for long.
Your strength: Your superstar charisma
Your weakness: Commitment means nothing to you
Your power color: Fuchsia
Your power symbol: Diamond
Your power month: May
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

went heritage tour ytd
was kinda boring.
cause at first
mo boey don't let us buy ice cream
haha. then
the stupid tour guide
was the joke.
we keep calling him names

someone:he's a bloody nigger
me:he's not la.he's indian. i like black americans[nigger] ok!!

like wtf.
no wonder our school is pure chinese
lolx. if not
will riot like last time

oh wells.
had 2 heart attack in a row
first was talking to him:]
then breaking to my parents my results
2 fail:/
my mum had a heart attack with me

was going to say i'm sorry
then she started comparing me
with weijun and her students
almost scream at her and bang the door

ytd was crap
my earrings got confiscated the fourth time
screwed ehs
need to stock up on my earrings soon:]
think i'm going taiwan and genting
at least taiwan can go my EDISON's shop
here's a convo with dale

me: i'm going taiwan i think
dale:really.budden all the things there not good quality[and all the bad stuff bout taiwan]
me:i'm going to buy your present there
dale: can go*grins like hell*
me:and i can go my laogong[edison] shop!
dale:his goods are pretty ex though
me: i'm his wife! so he'll give it to me for free.wahaha
dale: ya right. PUKES
me:swallow it back or no present:]

wee!! and it goes on and on
too tired to type.
conclusion is that

chip's the big one.dale's the smaller one

chip-logical schemer [me]

dale-dumb schemer[sy] wahahahahaha

me &sy.see the resemblance with the top pic?:]


(huimin & sharon)

hellohello this is huimin, im helping sharon write her entries cause blogger kaopei her again. lol(:

okay lets start from {03NOV}

movie night at plaza sing!!

we started off w a handful of ppl but in the end was left with a pathethic threesome, haha cause we were pang-sehed in the last minute by KARL LIM JUN JUN (haha karl u're being negatively reported everywhere by me!!) haha

okok enough of the crap. we went to the box office happily taking money out when the guy there told us
' sorry mdm but you wont be able to join the marathon cause we're only left with one ticket.'


but nvm cos we made back-up plans(luckily) and watched the covenant in the end.
those guys are HOT especially with those full black eyes ^^

then after the movie it was ard 11 plus we went ard taking pics in the near-empty plaza sing

& we love those guitars so. okay maybe sharon loves it more ^^

okay think tts all.

happy anot sharon?

i so good friend la. lol

Your Career Type: Artistic
You are expressive, original, and independent.
Your talents lie in your artistic abilities: creative writing, drama, crafts, music, or art.

You would make an excellent:

Actor - Art Teacher - Book Editor
Clothes Designer - Comedian - Composer
Dancer - DJ - Graphic Designer
Illustrator - Musician - Sculptor

The worst career options for your are conventional careers, like bank teller or secretary.
What's" Your Ideal Career?

You Are The Godfather Ice Cream
Someone crosses you, and they'll end up with a scoop of this in their bed
What Flavor Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Are You?

Your True Love Is an Aquarius
Why you'll love an Aquarius:
Independent yet devoted, you'll appreciate the unique approach to love Aquarius takes.You both see love as a bit of a game, and Aquarius will challenge you until you're completely hooked.
Why an Aquarius will love you:
You're secure enough to give Aquarius tons of space - even if it means separate interests and friends.You have the brains to keep Aquarius engaged and curious. And the passion to change the world together!
What Sign Is Your True Love?

You Are 70% Boyish and 30% Girlish
You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch.Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes.You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don't actively fight them.You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be.
How Boyish or Girlish Are You?

Caramel Frappuccino
Creative and expressive, you tend to match your Frappuccino flavor to your mood. And a flavored syrup is always a must!
What Flavor Frappuccino Are You?

reach high for stars lie hidden in your soul
dream deep for every dream precedes the goal

shoot for the moon
even if you miss
you'll land among the stars
-Les Brown

each day us a treasure box of gifts from God
just waiting to be opened
open your gifts with excitement
you will find forgiveness attached to ribbons of joy
you will find love wrapped in sparkling gems
-Joan Clayton

do not follow where the path may lead
go instead where there is no path
and leave a trail

success is not to be pursued
it is to be attracted by the person you become

those who bring sunshine to the lives of others
cannot keep it from themselves
-Alexander Chalmbers

God can't fix a broken heart
if you don't give him all the pieces

things i've learnt recently:]
*looking people in the eye is showing them respect
*i never want to get too big for a hug from my dad
*memories are treasure you should never let go
*books are friends who share a little of themselves with you
*change is inevitable
*choco chip cookie taste better as dough
*never wait to tell someone you love them
*friends don't have to always get along
*there's so much more inside people we don't see
*everyone looks for love

i'm bored.
so i'm doing this stuff again
thx to dale :/

[1] First name? sharon
[2]Middle name?
if i can get one, it's going to be Ryes
[3]Last name?
Chip, Chad, Shad
the ones that's suppose to give birth
[7]Age? 15!
boo yea. :B
[10]Who is the lucky someone?
EDISON! haha
[11]Have you ever been in love?
[12]Who are your crushes?
LU! EDISON! my vampire prince!
[13]Your hair is?
short.spikable :]
[14]Your eyes are?
[15]Are you pierced?
[16]Any former piercings?
er. no
[17]Any wanted piercings?
yeah.more on ears
[18]Any ink?
[19]What ink do you want?
abstract thingy on my shoulder blade
[20]Are you tall?
hee.woman's secret :]
[22]Do you smoke? i hate/loathe/detest/repel it
[23]Do your friends?
they better not :]
[24]Favorite quote?
Yohoho and a bottle of rum. Haha.
[25]Favorite number?
[26]Favorite food?
custard/mango pudding :] lobster soup!
[27]Least Favorite food?
er.bitter stuff
[28]Favorite movie?
[29]Favorite song?
welcome to the black parade! everywhere.
[30]Favorite color?
lime green, orange, black, crimson red
[31]Favouraite time of day?
[32]Dusk or dawn?
dusk.when vampires come out! wahahah
sensitive nose
[34]Type of music?
all. yes. even classical:]
[35]Rap or Hip hop?
[36]Punk or metal?
[37]Last person kissed?
my chip speaker toy!
[38]Last hugged?
[39]Last thing ate?
instant noodles
[40]Last person talked to on phone?
[41]Would you trust them with your life?
[42]How long was your longest relationship?
er. 4 months?
[43]How long have you been in love?
dunno.mostly infatuations:]
[44]Bath and Body or Store stuff?
reading.pool.drinking vodka! wahahah.playing my guitar and piano!
[47]Turn ons?
vodka! pool! reading! haha.guitar
[48]Turn offs?
someone picking their nose and tasting it.someone coughing into my hair
[49]What are you wearing?
undies and everything a normal person wear :]
[50]Do you like to shop?
[51]What shampoo do you use?
head and shoulders
[52]Body wash?
er.dunno how to spell.lolx
er.primitive! lolx.jking.
[54]What lyrics describe your life right now?
untitled track in MCR album.haha
[55]Do you look like anyone famous? one told me before:] I'M UNIQUE!
[56]The time did you go to sleep?
1 plus
[57]What time did you wake up?
[58]You are listening to?
people around me crap
[59]You are thinkin about?
my bed
[60]You will get married?
[61]Favorite girl names?
[62]Favorite guy names?
derick.edison!keanu. haha
[65]Hottest person in your school?
mr lee er ker! haha
[66]Cell phone?
eh.not really
eh.not really too.haha. i would prefer a sony ericson
[69]Do you like soda?
ok ba
[70]what kind..?
mountain dew and cherriade
[71] you on a diet?
nope.wouldn't give up food for anything in the world!
[72]Your last boyfriend was...?
[73]How did it end..?
on friendly terms
[74]Do you wear jewelry?
er. not really.don't wanna get robbed and raped.lolx
[75]What do you wear?
[76]Ocean or pool?
pool. i have ocean-phobia:]
[77]Favorite school subject?
PE and music
[78]Worst school subject?
[79]How many sleeping hours do you get? depends

[80]Do you get along with your family?
not sure
[81]What is your striving job outside of school when graduating?
[82]Do you swear a lot?
trying not to :D
[83]Do people say you are crazy?er.i guess so

my eyes are hurting from this...argh

1. Are you photogenic?

2. What time do you go to bed?
last night?12 plus. normal days also around there. if out, 2 plus i think

3. What was the last thing you did before this?
redo my blog!haha

4. who are the ones you always meet the most?
i dunno.equal ba.

5. who is the person you will call if you need help?
myself?heh heh

6. what is on your mind right now?
trinity bloog comic!

7. what do you prefer?
jamming, eating, sleeping, whacking ciyi[hahaha]

8. with whom do you wanna be with to have fun?
edison chen! haha.

9. what movie do you wanna watch now?
grudge marathon. horror

10. when was the last time you went out? EVERYDAY! wee:]

11. what do you hate the most for now?
muscle aches

12. what do you do everyday besides eat & sleep?
play my guitar and piano. com. reading.

13. colours that make you happy?
orange! lime green!

14. most favourite thing in your room?
my guitar :]

15. miss someone?
yeaH. EDISON! and LU! and my vampire prince :]

16. plan to buy something?
duh.who doesn't

17. are you satisfied with your life now?
no.maybe a little

18. do you like seafood?
love em. i wanna eat crayfish

19. breakfast or dinner?
brunch! and supper! muahah

20. like chocolates?
duh! chocolates are good for people with bad temper.haha

21. do you have a laptop?
yep.but its super sloooow

22. what is your favourite food from fast food?
zinger burger!

23. cats or dogs?

24. salty or sweet?

25. city or country?

26. is kissing normal for your age?

27. are you bored?
very. if not i wouldn't be doing this

28. favourite bands for now?
westlife! haha.MCR. BEP. nine inch nails.

29. do you have your own room?
yap.ONLY CHILD! haha

30. what do you wear to bed?
shorts and t's la.

31. ever had a crush on a teacher in high school?
nope. not cute enough.haha

32. coke or pepsi?

33. sugar or spice?
sugar.sweet tooth

34. can you use chopsticks?

35. do you care about getting good grades?
a little. just don't really like borderline fail

36. have you ever fallen asleep in class?
haha.what do you think

37. get a job or ask your parents for money?

38. is your mom strict?
i dunno. maybe

39. do your parents give you enough privacy?
think so

40. do your parents trust you?

41. would you ever wanna lose your best friends?
stupid question

42. does your best friend get on your nerves?

43. do you make friends quickly?
i'm an introvert.lolx.

44. do you tell your mom everything?

45. what do you & your parents fight about most?
trival stuff

46. if you love someone & he/she rejected you. what will you do to him/her?
let em' go

47. can you sing or rap?
can i say yes? but not that good.lolx

48. if you have one wish, who would you make your wife/husband for life?
EDISON! lolx

49. what do you like about this survey?
nothing much

50. 3 people to sa-bo!

eck. hope o's chi goes wells.

oh wells.
been watching loads of movies and cartoons recently
so here's my conclusion
ways i don't wanna die:
1-killed by thousands of insects trying to suck my blood
2-by a ghost
3-my throat ripped by a serial killer
4-being knocked down by a car
5-after my car/motorcycle banks into a tree
6-in a huge mixer/blender
7-while skydiving and the parachute doesn't work :/
8-eaten by a king bug
9-plane crash
10-by zombies who suddenly run out of control
11-accidentally falling down from somewhere high while enjoying the view
12-choked to death by a fishball
13-going through an operation and the doctor drop the scapel into my wound.
14-strike by lightning
15-stucked in a cartoon costume while doing part-time job
16-shot by somoone by mistake's a few
will update for more soon :]

anyways. i got my CHIP mp3 speaker!
we're all listening to my mp3 with it
in the school library now:]
haha.and the auntie is super nice!
she doesn't mind it! haha
oh wells.
just wanna say

happy halloween!
gna have a horror movie marathon
at rand's house today i think:]

gonna bring all my horror disc over.
then we'll not sleep tonight!

wish it was in the western countries
then we can all go trick-or-treating
and i'll be my vampire queen just for the day[or night] :)
wee.then maybe i'll really meet a vampire :]
[ok fine. just let me dream for a while]

its hard to say goodbye.

Yours Truly


last train home.

Music Playlist at