the day os finally looking up [except for the tests coming up]
ytd badminton was super fun
at first is only me and the other ep guys play
then hum hum came
but it was an hour later
cause she took bus instead of train [which is 1 stop away]
so, she ended up lost
then when i was playing against huat
he kept playing irreplacable
cause i kept hitting to the right,
which is out of the court :X
then the song starting was
"too the left, too the left..."
haha.super crap
i think the two of us work wells playing double!
unlike hum and chongyi

and today was uber fun too!!!!!
cause got SYF rehearsal
then on the way there
junyuan, mingda, jingwen and other guys started singing
and they purposely sing out of tune and damn hugh pitch
and i was sitting behind them
poor me and huimin and jas and ning!
it was all super funny
until they played THE song
and i started crying
haix. at first nvr cry de
just lie on huimin shoulder
then they'll were like
"don't cry hor..." and blah blah
then i started crying

oh wells. lets all forget the past :}
i'll try very very hard k

will upload pics soon :]

my life is so boring
i have nothing to blog about

its not i don't wanna blog
its nothing to blog ok

except for the fact that
sec 4 life is so fucked up
at least 3 tests every week
homework pile up like shit

someone take these loads off me

Your Depression Level: 64%
You seem to have moderate depression.Your symptoms are bad enough that they're effecting your everyday life.You would benefit greatly from professional help.">Are You Depressed?

Your Career Personality: Capable, Friendly, and Energetic
Your Ideal Careers:
ActorAdvertising ExecutiveArtistCounselorEntrepreneurMusicianPoliticianPsychologistTeacherTelevision Reporter">The Quick and Dirty Career Test

Your Life Is Worth...
$1,204,000">How Much Is Your Life Worth?

Your Birthdate: May 14
People wouldn't take you for a passionate person - and that's where they'd be wrong.You can develop deep emotions quickly, and you're the type most likely to move in with someone after a few dates.
Number of True Loves You'll Have: 6
Number of Times You'll Have Your Heart Broken: 3
You are most compatible with people born on the 5th, 14th, and 23rd of the month.">What Does Your Birth Date Mean For Your Love Life?

Your Animal Personality
Your Power Animal: Eagle
Animal You Were in a Past Life: Whale
You are active, a challenger, and optimistic.Hard-working, you are always working towards a set goal.">The Animal Personality Test

What Your Dreams Mean...
Your dreams seem to show that you're very preoccupied with your fears and problems.
These bad dreams indicate that you need to spend more time on your issues during the day.
Your dreams tend to reflect your insecurities.
You have a very vivid imagination and a rich creative mind.
You secretly want to hide your dreams from your waking mind.">What Do Your Dreams Mean?

The True You
You want your girlfriend or boyfriend to be more relaxed, calm, and composed.
With respect to money, you are a bit stingy.
You think good luck might come your way, but if it does you'll be so surprised you'll burst out laughing.
The hidden side of your personality tends to be a little selfish. You only do what interests you.
You have a tendency to overdo things, but basically you value your friendships highly.
When it comes to finding a romantic partner, you will search and search until you find your perfect match.
Who's" The True You?

You Are 68% Bipolar
You're more than moody - you're a bit unstable.If your mood swings are effecting your life, you may need to seek help.">Are You Bipolar?

You Are 66% Evil
You are very evil. And you're too evil to care.Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot.">How Evil Are You?

NO I'M NOT *smiles sweetly*

as jasmine always say "OMO!"
that's the only word that can descride how i felt ytd
cause this sec 1 got knocked down by a car
and you should have seen the leg
its like
dislocated at the calf
like ewwwwww.haha

and the junior was dang calm la
if it was me or hum they'll [touch wood]
we'd be screaming our ass out.

and today was super hilarious
me and sam was blowing the elongated balloon
[which is uber difficult]
and we ended up giggling like dunno what
and indra made us go out to giggle
and we did
and and and and and and
we started singing childhood songs!!haha
like captain planet! super lame

yaps.then ms wee came over
and ask us why we sitting outside
so, being nice little girls,
we explained to her
and even being nicer,
we went back in, wanting to apologise to indra
and guess what

kickass man

oh wells.
who cares
not the first time
and i told sam bout the time i was chase out of class in kindergarden
like wtf.haha

going for stupid co

i feel accomplished today
cause i finally got down to swimming
it helps man
to just block out everything in my mind
and focus on the sensation of swimming
at least it made the problems go away
for an hour
i finally could meet up with james and jason!
sort of missed them
haven seen them for weeks

but today!
i made time!
so we swam
went out for breakfast
and me and jason had our usual squabble
which was kinda funny and comforting :]
we were biting each other
literally :]

oh wells,
now i'm waiting for my beloved colin!
happy happy happy
counting on him to lift my mood
even higher!

tata for now
its not you its me

as i go through life i saw
that there is much that i don't understand
and the only thing i know
it that things don't always go according to plan

if there's so much i have to be
can i still just be me
the way i am

can i trust in my own heart
or am i just a part
of the world's big plan

tears of pain
tears of confusion
maybe there's nothing left to keep me sane
but i aint got other options

see what emptiness do to people

had mr tan's tuition today
was the only thang i looked forward to the whole week
and i guess
he really is physic
either that
or he saw my scar
and he started talking about his niece
who commited suicide
and teenagers who slit themselves
wanna say thanks to skye and mr tan
and huimin and jas
and others
who let me vent my angers on
and counselling me

i'm forced into this people
with a knife on my throat
i'm suppose to say
i love huimin and jas
haha.happy? :]

did i mention
i'm lab partners with shaun quah
like @$^*(#^$^%
no offence though:]

been real busy lately
so much so
i can't even update bout my life
what is this coming to man
i'm so sick of this life

sleeping late
waking early
dozing in class
not sure of what i'm doing
not sure how i feel
not knowing how to do stuff
not wanting to talk
getting so easily affected
cramping all my stuff together
i mean like fuck la
i can't even fucking control my life

there's so much i wanna say
but so little words i know
so i guess i'll just leave it here
and walk away from this kind of life
once and for all
shoot me
bang me
push me off the cliff

i don't know how to say
i don't know what to do
to get things going my way
and not the other way round
maybe its just me
or is it just the way things work
cause i don't understand any of this shit
i wanna scream

you won't even know it

IF you get more than 30 you're paranoid.
If you get 10 or less you're fearless.
People who don't have any are dummies
who want people to think they are tough stuff.
I Fear...

[ ]the dark
[ ]staying single forever
[x]being a parent now-ewww.i'm underage!lolx
[x]giving birth - i think its pain.lolx.i'll adopt next time
[ ]being myself in front of others
[ ]open spaces
[ ]closed spaces
[ ]heights
[x]black cats -actually.i hate all cats
[ ]dogs
[X]birds- i fear their droppings more.
[X]fish- i don't dare to touch fish, i'll shriek.
[ ]spiders, ticks and/or other insects
[ ]driving or being in cars
[ ]flying
[ ]flowers or other plants
[ ]being touched
[ ]fire
[X]deep water- watched too much horror
[X]the ocean- eeks.sea urchin and puffer fish and all the sharp sharp things
[ ]failure
[ ]success
[ ]thunder/lightning
[ ]my boyfriends/girlfriends dad
[ ]my boyfriends/girlfriends mom
[ ]mice/rats
[ ]jumping from high places
[ ]snow
[ ]rain
[ ]wind
[ ]crossing hanging bridges
[ ]death
[ ]Heaven
[ ]being robbed
[ ]cotton balls
[x]cemeteries-i use to hang there.haha
[x]clowns-they give me the creeps.ewwwww
[ ]large crowds
[ ]men
[ ]women
[ ]having great responsibility
[ ]doctors, including dentists
[ ]tornadoes
[ ]hurricanes
[ ]diseases
[ ]snakes
[x]sharks -jaws!!!!!! *screams and run*
[ ]Friday the 13th
[ ]poverty
[x]ghosts- i think in my sub-concioius mind only.lolx
[ ]Halloween
[ ]school
[ ]trains or railroads
[ ]odd numbers
[ ]even numbers
[ ]being alone
[ ]being blind
[x]being deaf -no music?!?!
[x]growing up - equates to maturity.i still love spongebob!
[ ]monsters under my bed
[x]creepy noises in the night - movies.and i heard my guitar strumming at night before.period
[ ]bee stings
[ ]not accomplishing my dreams/goals
[ ]needles
[ ]blood
[x]dinosaurs - i use to have nightmares of em when i have fever when young
[ ]the welcome mat

i have 15!
so i think i'm kinda normal.

oh wells.
been raining like shits these few days
can finally get some sleep peacefully
budden maybe cause of the rain
and jas
i got kinda emo.hah
shall skip that part
and now
the big announcement!!!


haha.big news ehs *grins*
now i can be my gals shuai ge
like last time.lolx
so they can stop crying over
other shuai ges :]
i'm nice:]

oh wells.gna go back to do geo now

word of the day:
FUCK life:]

*this is the 3rd time i'm doing this post
cause it keeps auto-deleting
*i'm down with a
lungs screaming
*i'm sick. again
*see my schedule for the past few days
-tuition till 10 plus
-dinner and all
-do hw till 12 plus/1
-sleep at 1 plus/2

like wtf
as i have said earlier on

but at least dale was there:]
he helped my switch off the fan for me
cause i was sneezing like crazy
let me sleep on his shoulder
cause of the ltd sleep i had for the past few nights
race with me lock-opening
to release stress:] (btw us only i think.lolx)

and huimin too!
for going down to canteen to buy hot drinks with me
for spilling drinks on our shirt/skirt with me
[accidentally of course]
we're the stain sisters!lolx
for seeing our 2 fave guys sitting together, together:]

here's the best!
i don't need to go school tmr!!!
cause got some checkup at TTS tmr
but i'll miss my literature lesson!!
crys man.haix

so overall.
i think all these were enough
to make up for all the shits i've been going through:]

and i finally catched deathnote 2
three words: WTF?!?!
haha.its so diff from the comic la
disappointment my man
oh wells.
suppose to treat cheyu another time
dang. i need to save!!!

today's the last day
and then i'm gna start concentrating
try at least
i think the shock came to suddenly
i woke up ytd with my mum and godbro shouting
"oi sec 4 de! wake up leh!"
then i was thinking in my subconcious mind
"its not me"
then my godbbro sat on my butt
and screamed
"wake up la sec 4!"
then i was like
" ar?"
and went back to sleep
lolx.i woke up at noon
and i on my phone
and the date was 010107
i was like "oh man"

ok.that was totally random
oh wells
stupid ass new freaking school rules

Yours Truly


last train home.

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