
Your April Fool's Day Prank Should Be

Spitting in your friend's drink

What April Fool's Prank Should You Play?

You Are More Cutthroat Than You Think

Yes, you do have that killer instinct lurking in you.
And while you may not be actually cutting throats anytime soon...
You certainly don't mind clawing your way to the top.
Are You Cutthroat?

Your Personality Is Like Acid

A bit wacky, you're very difficult to predict.

One moment you're in your own little happy universe...

And the next, you're on a bad trip to your own personal hell!

What Drug Is Your Personality Like?

You Should Drive a Lamborghini

A true daredevil, you're always in search of a new rush. Clearly, you're a total speed demon... just don't get caught!
What Sports Car Should You Drive?

Your Dominant Intelligence is Linguistic Intelligence

You are excellent with words and language. You explain yourself well.
An elegant speaker, you can converse well with anyone on the fly.
You are also good at remembering information and convicing someone of your point of view.
A master of creative phrasing and unique words, you enjoy expanding your vocabulary.

You would make a fantastic poet, journalist, writer, teacher, lawyer, politician, or translator.
What Kind of Intelligence Do You Have?

The Part of You That No One Sees

You are aloof, mysterious, and distant.
People feel like they really don't know the true you...
Yet they're still drawn to you, almost by magnetic force.

Underneath it all, you don't even really feel like you know yourself.
It's easier to put on a front than really think about your life's purpose.You tend to seem pretentious, but it's just a mechanism you use to push people away.
What's the Part of You That No One Sees?

today had CO again
WOOTS!!! haha
have to admit. i dragged my ass out of the house today
partially for the mahjong
i'm officially ADDICTED to it :]
woots woots woots!!!!!
haha.but today damn hiong
cause laoshi came
then he taught dizi and us
lolx.almost died under his hands
had to replay mine for like 10+ times :S
but then lunch break was uber shuang
we have a new group!
its called SSRA!
S uona-me, kent and zhongyang
S heng-yaochang,darren
R uan-huimin
A lumni-zhuoyi
heng huimin went. if not i'll be the only girl again.haha
then we walked/run all the way to kallang KFC
nuts man.sweat like nobody's business
but the perks:FREE REFILL!!!! and
i found out our school canal there got a swing!
haven sat on swings for a long long time
but guess i'll just leave them at the back of my head :]
will go sit with jas/huimin/hum one day!
and darren was professed the dirty-minded stupid gay!
haha. (inside joke)
and zhuoyi was brain washing us to join TJC CO
please can. their PE is like circuit training
5km[guys], 3.6km[girls] and pushups/chinups
over my dead ass i'm going
then we attemped to rush back to school in 5 min
and in the end
when we were outside schoolgate
wu laoshi and huang laoshi were driving in
then we like escort like that
walk in next to their car
3 more days to SYF
starting to miss co i guess
never had it before..hmm
arrgh.tears shalt not flow.


hahaa.but we prac for bout 20 min?
then jingwen smuggle the mahjong set out side
the the four suona-ians started playing!!
after 12 years of watching my aunts play but not allowed to learn
i finally picked up mahjong today!
conclusion: COians are bad influence.hahaha
it was uber fun la.lolx
then i HU-ed three times!!!
pros pros :]haha
then joshua was the black horse man
he suddenly scolded cello boy
cause he anyhow play.
turns out joshua is the ULTIMATE PRO!
hahaha.i mean it la
don't ever belittle people just cause they're little!
hah. here are some pics!

jingwen with his beautiful pose

my first HU! and jingwen kicked it :{

humhum! haven talked to her properly for weeks la!
miss her!!

kent a.k.a. VICECHAIR!hhaha
he looks damn kuku.lolx

playing on the stairs. DESPERATE!
was trying to hide it from others
but pauline found out.hee

xiaozu zhang! HIS STRESSING OUT.haha
our 'farewell' party food=2 pacs of sushi!
i played for like 2 1/2 hours.
sit till butt pain can
then my knees were 'locked'
couldn't stand up :/ haha
that's all i guess:]

guess what
the best part of co is
hahaha. me and huimin was killing time in the toilet
and so
the birth of these pics.hahaha

huimin trying to be poise

ahaha.was a random pic la.

sitting in the basin.haha.
conclusion:my butt is smaller tham maoqiang's!!! haha

haha.xiaozu was crap
we spent almost an hour in the canteen eating
then went back slack.
arg.and i hate wu laoshi!!!
cause he got the nike dunks that i've wanted!

darn.its $187. stupid rich pig.haha
but his cool.
realised that our school has way too many rich people
haha.shall not mention names :]

Name a friend whose name starts with an "S" samantha.
4th person on ur missed calls?maoqiang
What did the last text message you received say? SY:something bout her being stupid and can't wait to go out with me on sport's day!haha
Do you chew on ur straws? yaps :]
Do you hav curly hair? no
What's the nxt concert you are going to? jay chou/luozhixiang if they ever come
Who is the coolest person in ur life? hmmm.EDISON CHEN!haha.
What words do you say alot? lol.what's your shit and die.hahaha
What's the last ting you ate? golden mushroom!!
What was the last ting you said n who was it to?
"no" to my cousin
Do you watch TV? no.i'm a hermit who lives in a cave. LIKE DUH!
Is marriage in ur future? i think so
When was the last time you said i love you and you meant it? hmmmm. last last last week
What should you b doing right now? eating my dinner
Do you hav a nickname? er.CHIP?
Do you believe in love at first sight? not really
Who's the youngest in ur family? moi.ONLY CHILD!*squee squee squee*
Are you a heavy sleeper? no.i'll wake if you open my room door just for a peek
Last time you used a skateboard? p6?haha.before my mum threw it away
Where was the last place you slept besides your hse? on my school desk during a maths today :]
Best movie you've seen in the past 2 wks? would have been stomp the yard if it wasn't for SY!!
Ever kissed a boi?

another random thingy.haha

Name 20 people right now.
Don't look at the question(s) until you hav named the 20 people.

7.samamtha YEO
8.anthony lim
19.josephine KOH

how did you meet 14? hmm.i wouldn't have 1 more MAY baby to fill up my diary?haha
what would you do if you didn't meet 1? i'd be one gf less.hahaha
what if 9 and 20 dated? hahahaa.everyone will laught their ass off :]
would 6 and 17 date? er.over their dead ass.lolx
describe 3. emo.crazy.IN LOVE.haha
is 8 attractive? erererer.why is everyone asking me this qn about him!?
describe 7. craps.slacker.depressed[for now i guess]
what would you do if 18 confesses to you that he/she likes you? hahaha.i'll say ILOVE YOU TOO! lolx
what language does 15 speak? english [in almost every accent you can think of:)]
who is 5 going out wif? nobody i guess.unlesss he's hiding it from me.haha
how old is 16? 15++
when was the last time you spoke to 13? yesterday.
who is no. 2's favourite band or singer? hawthorne heights.mcfly.
would you ever date 4? she'e taken by no.10! hahahahahaha
would you ever date 1? we're dating :] hahahaha.
is 19 single? nopessssssssss
what's 10 last name? shangfa.
hav you eva kissed 11? cousin dude.
school of 3? CCHMS
where does 6 live? kallang
what's your favourite thing abt 5? we're almost telepathic.haha
have you seen 12 naked? er no.think she'll like kill me?haha
What's the worst ting you said to 18? er.none? i'm NICE :]

that quiz was totally random
ripped it off some random person's blog
watched FOREST OF DEATH today
with karl,kwok and sy
one word: trees
haha. the ending kinda stupid
like the sound effects though
highly recommend you not to watch.
we walk from PS to cathay then back to PS
cause we couldn't find a timing to suit karl
so in the end
we ended with this movie instead of my
cause sy lost her wallet.sianx

then on my way home super creepy/funny
was on the bus
then this girl round sec 2 i think
keep smiling at me :S

tata.gna eat dinner!!

haha.yeah.that's the first word
thanks to the continuous practices CO had for the whole march hols
but fri and thurs was fuN!
haha. cause we had xiaozu in the afternoon
and suona didn't have teacher! we sat at the lake and blow 小白船
lolx.was hilarious man
then we started fishing from the lake
then ytd we sat at the lake and prac too
but we decided to march all the way to th bench next to the long jump pitch
and we ended up climbing the tree
then we realised, there was a CCTV camera there
lolx.and guess who climbed?
KENT and JING WEN and me
haha.caught a video with kent climbing

then we watched LOTR
[don't ask me why]
and my junior decided to act gay
so he took a hair tie to tie his hair
like wtf:/
oh wells.then today had interaction with nanhua and malaysia's CO
and me and jas got so depresses
cause they're like GOOD
realise this year
we sort of underestimated alot of schools
cause nanhua is almost as good as us
and we're only 1-2 week from SYF
[then step down!! weee!!]
so must buck up!
this is a boring post
cause i'm bored :]
i need a life.stupid sec 4 life @_@

3.12.2007 went ttsh for the stupid checkup
wasted 3 hours of my life for a 2 min diagnosis
and the stupid blood test
the nurse damn stupid can
she took my blood
and pass it to me
so i went out here's the convo
dad: what's that for
dad:excuse me [talks to the nurse]
where do i go with this bag?
nurse: what bag? ohh.why you take the bag?
me:[looks shocked] you give me one lor
nurse:got meh? oh sorry.
like wtf la.but my blood looks cool!
and its but into a BIOHAZARD labelled bag
so my blood's hazardous?

and i had to use the HANDICAP toilet
insult man.haha

my dear colin eating super with me!
at 12 midnight
no wonder we're both fat.lolx

this me gay father with me cousin handbag.hahaha

new hair new hair new hair!!!!

new hair new hair new hair new hair new hair:]

weeeeeeeeeee!the hairdresser styling is like

i love me hair.period :]
but my dang shitass parents want me to re-cut
cause they say very lian
like wtf. i don't want!
but they're forcing me
say if i don't cut, they cut for me
what kinda parents are these la
holiday can.its not like i go dye or something
fishcake banana.whatever la.

i could feel the wet sticky fluid trinkling down between my legs as i hid in the closet under the stairs. he was at it again--falling back to his drunk stupor. falling back to the monstrous him. Mum and i were always the victims

my emaciated legs managed to hold me up though they trembled and i took a nervous peek out of the ventilated door. he was pushing her against the wall.doing what men did to women. it was a common sight in our village.

"you can't even freaking please me! how are you going to earn money when my customers come?!" his voice reverberated throghout the house, heavily laid with sarcasm and virulence.

Mum just stood there, fist clenched and shivering in her flimsy clothes.

he looked pathetic.downright pathetic with his burly figure, pants down and gesticulating wildly at Mum.then, from nowhere, he pushed a knife into mom's abdomen.inch by inch it went. inch by inch, the ecstasy in him built up. i could see Mom's expression now. it was a swirl of emotions all let loose at the moment, but the most evident of all--relief.she was finally free from the years of living in hell.i watch the blood flow out of her, as life slowly drained away from her face.slumped on the floor from the grotesque sight, i caught a whiff of my 'sanctuary'. piss and sweat all over the damp musky room. i choked and coughed against my will. instinctively, my father turned around, blood-stained and hand welding the murder weapon.
"now, its your turn." he bellowed as the cynical smile stretched across his face.

i ransacked the closet for a weapon and found a metal rod. i clutched it to my chest and dashed out. " THE EYE! THE EYE!" my mind screamed.

"argh!!!!" was the next thing that registered in me. wet, red fluid streamed down my hands. i let go immediately and dived for the wallet i've been eyeing in his back pocket.i ran out of the door.for my life, i ran.

ok.that's an extract from my unfinished compo

for mr tan :]

kinda weird though.

anthony read and he was like

"so A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" haha

ah wells.

shall not be bothered bout him :]

btw, tang yu zhe is my new love! haha

eeeks.:] love for nerds :]

cool plus shuai "]

ohhhhhhhhh. i forgot to mention something super


here's the situation
she was leaning against the trffic light thingy
so i came from behind
and stood face to face with her
and i lean forward
cause i needed to reach the button
[it'll look like i was bending down to kiss her]
yeah.then her whole face was like *.*
and i just burst out laughing.FUNNY!

yeah.lolx.that's all i guess :]
p.s. jasmine's deprived! haha @_@

ytd talentime was hilarious can
thanks to people like munwee and aaron
lolx.the crew were showing those who couldn't make it in
and they were some of em
[must be there to understand:0]
we practically laughed till die

then dear biran won for upper sec solo!
yeah! SEXY KITTEN!!! lolx
also known as 性感小猫咪
her dressing was like woah.
haha.leggings, hells, short shorts and purple shirt
sizzles man.lolx
then there was this sec 3 guy
and he sang forever love
and he couldn't hit the ending pitch of the chorus
so it sounded a lil like me playing anthony's violin :]
go figure

then realised last night dang alot of people wear striped shirt
ah bian, jade, me, wanZHU and other people.
haha.we're like the striped family la
all different colour de

yaps.but that day was kinda shitified
thanks to my piano exam
i'm positvie, sure, affirmative, confirmed
that i'll fail AGAIN
yeah.ning was like
"i book the retest for june already :}"
lolx.cause ning also took the exam the day before me
think my possibility of failing is more though *_*
gna quit piano if i fail again

then after that went fix my mp3
like wtf
i'll be MP3-less for 2 weeks
yeah.i'm deprived. BADLY
then went bugis meet jas and huimin
bought a necklace!! weee.
thunderbolt and skulls :]
wanted to buy another one from diva!
it was metallic colour and had lots of charms on it
but its was 36 bucks
and another which was my dear dear
haix.sad la.only brought out 50 ytd

oh wells. gna go catch up on my sleep leh

3.08.2007 totally wasted my time in school
watch some korean movie for SS
kinda funny though some parts
and the director way of ending is superb la!
beside's that
the other scenes are all mashed up
which proves that the director doesn't look into details
oh wells.
like finally.
but i feel so shit
cause i didn't really study
and i just can't be bothered.haix
wells.its over anyways.
gna enjoy talentine tmr

but before that i have a freaking piano exam
thanks man.
this week is damn cramed and screwed
i prac my piano for less than 2 hours just now
feel empty inside
feel like i haven done enough
and there's still so much things to memorise for piano oral
arghh.overload of info in brain
oh wells.
haha.but anthony kinda made my day!
i practically laugh till day when he call me about his problem
*not suppose to say.if not no ice cream @_@*
he's like so wishy-washy i almost wanted to slap him
yeah.that's all i guess
too long nvr blog,
kinda forgot how blogging feels like

i'd like to mention again that

3.02.2007 went the career dair at suntec
kinda fun plus eye-opening
decided that i'm definitely going into mass com
and i really really really want to go TRINITY COLLEGE!
[not cause of the name of cause.lolx]
but my stupid parents wouldn't allow

my hatred for my mother is getting deeper by the day
she freaking doesnt' allow me to take my third lang in sec 1
and now she isn't going to let me go overseas study
wtf la.she has some issues man
just cause she didn't let me take third lang
[which i would have chosen french]
i couldn't talk to this super hot switzerland guy
at the suntec thingy
who was trying to use eng to explain something to us
in the end
this caucasian helped us
freak la!
the swit guy is totally hot! eeks!
then mengshean was like "i wanna take photo with him"
then we and others just walked out on her
total HUA CHI
then we saw this person walking around
with a three pin plug mask!
super hilarious
we walk past him and he gave us pamplets
then sy asked a stupid question
"can you see us?"
like retarded can.*bangs wall*

yaps.then afterwards
met up, with huat and guang heng
and decided to eat dinner
so we walk to marina
and huat, being such a jackass
started pissing me off
by lifting my bag up and letting it go
then i whacked him like nobody business like that.lolx
sweet sweet revenge :]
then went long johns
and only mengshean ate the food there
the rest of us went other places find food
ate venezia ice cream!
comparatively cheap yet nice!!! whaha
then blah blah blah and went home

*too bad didn't take pic of the
three pin plug guy and
the switzerland hottie :/
took this at LJS huat eyes look like
sy looks stupid in this
lolx.but i'm postin it cause i totally love my
yeah.this me first gf
giving me the sexy pose
[she was trying to seduce me!but failed.lolx]
cause my heart only has him
*points below :]*
[start fantasizing like xiuyi :)]

Yours Truly


last train home.

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