1. Where is the person you have feelings for right now?
in my school.

2. What are you doing on Friday?
going back to indo!

3. Did the last kiss mean anything to you?
it was a year ago. and yes it did.

4. Do you sleep with the television on?
nope. i'm environmentally friendly

5. What are you doing right now?

6. What do you think of the last person who posted this?
ex school mate

7. What did you do today?
went bugis!

8. Do you like piercing?
industrial on right eye. considering snake bite.

10. Have you ever been suspended or expelled from school?
no. *blinks blinks*

12. Have you ever crawled through awindow?

13. Who knows a secret or two aboutyou?

14. Can you handle the truth?

15. Are you forgiving?
i try.

16. Have you ever have a sleepover with the opposite sex?

18. Are you closer to your father or mother?

19. Have you ever wanted to be a teacher?

21. Would you live with someone without marrying them?

22. Have your friends ever seen you cry?
duh, hahas. 4hm should know. hahas

23. Who was the last person you cried in front of?

24. Have you ever wanted to strip naked in front of someone?

25. How many people can you say you've really loved, more then a friend?
2 and a half. don't ask me why

26. Do you eat healthy?

28. What are you listening to?
crazy mary-fm static

29. If you could pick one person to disappear from the planet, who would it be?
where do i even start.

30. Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you?
yeah. so much so i can't even remember.

31. How often do you go to church?
when i'm asked to

32. Speaking of church, are you going to heaven or hell?
hoping to go heaven

33. If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to?
my mp3

35. Are you confident?

36. Are you a good driver?
not bad, hahas

37. What will you be when you grow up?

38. Who do you miss?
taking the bus with that someone

fun-o-rama was well FUN. hahas. but i was so busy the whole day that i only had the remaining 1 hour or so to play. hahas. [pics on facebook] many thanks to those who came to support :] anthony,dexter[who is really cute and has a dang cool name], timothy, skye, FERINA DEAR![whom i totally screamt in excitement when she appeared at the stall], arun the bitch, sam [who took my tickets....], geraldine,rand, justin and ignatius [although they came for other reasons too...] but yeah, thanks guys! you'll made my day although i was running around for you'll. hahas. ohhh and i thought my face painting duty for drama booth was dang fun! hahas. although i think i kinda sucked at it but the people were really nice!

i missed playing my inflatable bouncing castle!bleah. and i couldn't win the cookie monster! no one else could too though and they decided to auction it off for nearly 100 bucks? i was emo for that cause. but for only a min! and then i went on my errand for caibei to take someone's *uh hmm* picture. blah blah blah. saw many hot guys blah blah saw many funny walking advertisements. though i still think my class ones are better :]

yes. we are so delicious! hahahs. i think my class rocks the hell out of everyone's boots! we were are so united! hahas. even during the banner making and of course from the amount of time we spent at our booths unwilling to leave each other! hhahas. oh yaa. and everytime a girl or a group of girls walk pass, all of us except nathan will shout "come buy our goreng pisang! nathan hartono personally fried it for you!" hahas. i feel kinda bad for exploiting him, but ah wells :} his parents were really nice too for helping us with the ayam penyet. and of course, our most laboured person istilah *tilah tilah eh eh eh under my istilah e lah e lah eh eh eh eh eh*


i'm so over you i really am.


ah sighs. so many things have been happening this whole week. but!!! i saw the hot hot narrator from "INTO THE WOODS" again! when we went to watch the lasalle play. he was there with almost the whole"INTO THE WOODS" cast. like omg. i was totally staring and ogling. hahas.
that aside, i can't wait for fun o rama tmr :] preperation was fun although we all panicked halfway thanks to miss chen coming into class half way shouting "red alert! we have 50 missing coupons" i did a dramatic faint on the spot please. lol. [putting drama into good use!] then we counted like 10+ times and realise
[if we just realise what we just realise we would be perfect for each other....]
that we actually had extras. thanks ms chen..
then me and yilong were sitting at the bleaches talking about cameras as i drown in the knowledge of the unfathomable camera language.
ohh ohhh! and yilong has kick ass cameras!! hahas. he has the old school polaroid and two other polariods, a fish eye and semi pros...BASKET.hahas. and he was about to bring me to the camera shop to shop for my lomo holga! bah.when i was already off on my way to queensway with another mission in mind. to get my backpack. lol. and shucks jo said its common. thanks. so back to cameras. i can't wait to take pictures tmr! hahas. oh then yeah. and we spotted this weird guy i think he's nickname is donny or something then he started telling me about the sad sad lifes of his friends whom donny hooks onto and talks to for like forever! even though they were clearly ignoring him. and this poor girl whom he likes. sighs. he really looks freaky though. ah shucks. i love my photog friends!
and my class mates too! loga tells the lamest jokes. ivan bitches more than girls. caibei my emo partner. yusi who obsesses over a certain T. nathan the talented asshole.celine the innocent pok. chrystal the birthday girl today!!! AND MANY MORE. next time :}

and tomorrow shall be the day of forgetting and bouncing in inflatable ships and castles :]

bacause darkness is now comfort and the momentararily flickering bright traffic lights only brought fear of being spotted.


oh yay! today is a busy yet satisfying day. oneACS and NFL.because i ended the day knowing that i can actually be of help to people and also that there are cute lil boys like mitchell out there! and they actually made my day a thousand times better. because he held my hand and sang to me. and i carried him and we played aeroplane like how my dad use to play with me. before i got too heavy :] although i swore i'd end up whacking them. but i just couldn't :] and nic whines like a girl at the age of 19 and when he's in NS. hahs. and yes. i was warned by 15 year old acsi boys not to be so boyish or else i'd be left on the shelf. thanks man ignatius aka mario. that's the only name i remember sadly. hahas. i'm so sorry guys!
and i am now positively sure that my chinese is surely the better ones in AC. seeing that i can teach a sec 2 with my ltd knowledge of chinese words better than the j3s T.T homework starting tmr! i think i'll die. i've so many stuff to do.. cries.
i guess i'm just not good enough to talk to you.

Mother cannot guide you.
Now you're on your own.
Only me beside you.
Still, you're not alone.
No one is alone. Truly.
No one is alone.
Sometimes people leave you.
Halfway through the wood.
Others may decieve you.
You decide whats good.
You decide alone.
But no one is alone.

into the woods by lasalle is good! i've been reveiwing other troupes' performance and i still think lasalle's one is the best. the cast and costume and lights and sounds were just so captivating! and i was kinda noisy throughout the play cause i was blowing my nose half of the time. lol. not my fault man. i was so sick i almost couldn't make it home [cause i had to climb another two flights of steps up] and istilah passed me her sore eyes! bahh.

CIP is love!(only once in awhile and if you're doing it with a friend!) hahahs. at least last sat/sunday one was :] it was some ntu x physique thingy which caibei and i mindlessly signed up for. then we realise its overnight. so we went to ntu campus to sleep. supposedly. but we ended up chatting through the night and exploring the lonely roads and echo-y buildings of ntu. and totally freaked ourselves out.. we talked like really personal stuff and i guess that kinda made us understand each other better:] (i'm omitting heart breakig stuff that happened that night.)yes i do realise i sound like a bimbo now. but whatever. hahas. then the next day was crazy! i went insane from starvation cause i didnt' eat since sat night. and breakfast was a small bun and lunch only came at 3. and caibei and i were stationed in the middle of nowhere of a freaking forest in tampines. and i was so obsessed with the fact that mas selamat would spring out of nowhere and kidnap us that i started screaming. lol. and yes we were crazy. luckily he wasn't there :]
then i walked to civilisation which is like a 20 min walk across stoned and uneven paths which totally killed my sneakers and my feet. just to get two bottles of water and randomly to kill time cause i was so full from lunch.. ivan was nice too! hahas. he cycled like 3 X 7 km in total just to deliver food and drinks and make sure we are still sane. lol. and i saw pingwei! whom i haven't seen in like a zillion years. hahas. from camp instructor to busy busy logistic officer.. not bad. hahas. and here are some photos! while i go search for my 3 min long monologue...

my view in negative

me and caibei!

emoing in the middle of the track wishing someone would run me over.

caibei's turn to emo! lol. i kinda like this pic though :]

and we started losing our nuts and bolts

i'm so tired my cheek muscles need support when waving off the contestants..

i look like a garbage collector@

kisses! lol

3am in the middle of the quietest road ever

and we are officially insane

i can't find my monologue! stabs myself and cries out in pain. and yes i have finally submitted my CAP portfolio. and this is the longest post ever. i think. my eyes can't even stay open. thanks rand for keeping me up all night. i have new information to tell you! lol. call me!


this is my current love and fetish! hahas.MUJI SWEETS.colourful and melts in your mouth literally:] yay! i'm shag and happy today.
NANDE NANDE NANDE? cause i've been in school since 930am today and painted and stapled and washed and cut stencils till 330pm. then played squash with barney till like 730pm?! aw man i think i really suck at it. either that or barney is purely despicable. the shots he gave me are impossible to return ok!!!!!! but it feels so nice to be in that familiar court again. and holding my racket. although my skin came off from my fingers T.T

looking forward to photog outing tmr :} GRINS and reggae classes!

omg. please go watch step up 2. PLEASE!
like its seresly hot.
we're gonna take up dance classes asap! thanks to step up. but i doubt i'll have time. with that many ccas and all. i'm so screwed...

went out with mao and sam and sy and quek today!like finally finally. played bishi bashi! and i seriously need to brush up on my skills. hahs. i will call whoever whatever they want if they can get a stuff toy out of the arcade's machine. even i can't do it. and i'm proud to say that i caught it every time. except it drops in midair cause there's a slight release of the grip. like wth. cheat my feelings...

anyway. looking forward to tomorrow! might get to play squash with my squashies BARNEY AND SIMON! woot.woot :]

he did not wear his scarlet cloak. for blood and wine are red. and blood and wine were on his hands.when they found him with the dead.the poor dead woman whom he loved. and murdered in her bed.

can you give me a snowman?
can you create a rainbow?
can we take a photo of us two
while the sky, our sky is still blue

yay! i love fridays! although some stuff happened halfway through my supposedly happy day.
i can't believe i broke down back stage.
congrats to rand on getting her As!!
and photog was fun too! as usual. cause there were many new comers! like chenyang and cara! shucks. i can't remember the others! hahas. and nessa's reaction to seeing the L blogskin was damn cute. lol. i can't believe she's my senior... hahas. and no verrell, photog isn't boring. stop being so pessimistic. though reluctant, i must say you're a rather good president ok. and isabel too!
note to jasper: my camera is still more precious than yours! and thanks anyway for carrying my camera all the way without dropping it!:}

and i finally meet up with ep! yay! i love junwei's ktv! hahas. although we didn't sing last night cause there wasn't a spare room. so we went up to the roof and talked! and i finally learnt how to play bridge and am officially addicted to it. hahas. oh man. fridays are the best! oh! and it was his mom's birthday, so we celebrated together and she had like two cakes.hahas. so i ate cakes for dinner and drunk water like crazy cause of bridge. i can't believe how drinking water is a punishment but ya.

i swear i did not edit this :}

i finally caught a picture of him! if you're his friend you should know how difficult this is. hahas.

keith. he's damn retarded. lol. no offense.

sighs the different reactions to results. i wonder why waiting is such a chore. i seem to know the answer deep in my heart but i guess i'm just reluctant to answer this question again. perhaps i just did not want to experience the long wait for something that i subconsciously know would never arrive.
i waited for the talking.yet all i heard was my own thoughts questioning myself what went wrong. waited sorely for you to look me straight.slowly forgetting how your eyes looked like. i don't miss you. i miss who i thought you were.

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yes! i got into jungle book cast! thank you sahil! for telling me this in the middle of lecture and i was screaming. hahas.but i think there's another round of audition. T.T i just suck at audition ok. especially when i know i'd drag my partners down. i am such a pig. and so is syahir! cause he is in practically every production. fine. that's cause he's good. i feel so demoralised my fellow DEPers. they are 100 times better? and definitely more experienced.
don't worry istilah dear! i'll be there for you:] i'm sure you can make it to the next productions :]

today turned out to be a rather good day, i'm sorry sy for the earlier rants this morning about how life sucked. note to self :should have went for anger management program!

and i finally saw samyeo after like 2 weeks? although we're in the same school.. acj isn't that big you know. and she rebonded her hair!i was shrieking "so cute" like dang loudly across the canteen. hhahas. oh man. i'm so happy over my accomplishment that i'm blabbering away like some tard.

oh yay! i'm back to blogger! hahas. and cause i don't understand livejournal.and i can have my personal posts there this way.


Yours Truly


last train home.

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