remember the time you stood up for me just for a sit at the swing? i remembered.

look! my new boyfriend!

no.its not the person
its the cute lil thing he's holding! wootsey! i swear i was making love to it for like 6 hours that whole day while we walked from clarke quay to god know's where, cause i don't remember. then we saw the airshow rehearsal for ndp.

and there were these!

can you blind people see that heart shape...yaaa.
we were saying bryan must be damn rich to get the RSAF to do it for eunice. TWICE TOO!

yupps yupps. we saw many people that day. dtay was the shocker. hahas. i swear they're[yiloong and dtay] expressions were like priceless. then i saw huimin! like she appeared right i front of me and i screamed like crazy.hahas. gah chokes. i miss you guys
but i'm seeing sam on monday! sam my cute lil fluffly bouncy jumping friend! SAM! who's kinda a retard who doesn't know how to function any type of technology that has unlabelled buttons :]

yupps. so i went home and slept from saturday 7pm till 12nn just now:] cause crew work and walking for hours = draining me physically and mentally.
so now i have 9 hours to rush my dep paper.

you don't know me well enough. yes dear, you really don't.
cause if you really did, you wouldn't have done/said those fucking shit into my face. you knew which button to press to fuck me up. admit it. you knew and you still dived straight in and pressed it. you seriously don't see the consequences do you. oh wait, there isn't. cause you know i'd just swallow it done. swallow my fucking pride for your fucking shitface. i don't even know why i do it. do you? enlighten me please.

cause everytime i wait for you to turn around, knowing i'd see percepted perfection amongst the thousand flaws that crawls.

Sometimes it's black sometimes it's white sometimes he's wrong sometimes i'm right sometimes we talk about it or we figure it out but then he just changed his mind
sometimes he's hot sometimes im cold sometimes my head wants to explode
But when i think about it im so in love with him
Every other time

thanks for the camera:] hahas

i swear i saw the nicest sunset and sunrise on the plane. but screw those high altitudes that form crystalised water on the window. (it was pretty nice though) so whatever, i'll fly a private plane one day and take all the pictures i want. and then it occured to me. why the hell was i on the plane gawking at iced windows going on a freaking package tour with my mum. and the hell with a 2gb card for 10 days.

well.i guess the most exciting day was the last day. where the few of us snapped away at the riots and people pulling at my collar to prevent me from throwing a beer bottle too. hah

can't wait till i'm legal or something then i can finally take in europe in its full splendour instead of rushing from one state to another. screw package tours.

ok. i'm pissed with blogger. just check out fb for photos :]

it dawned on me on the way back home
that i did a regrettable thing.
the first i've ever felt but there's no turning back is there?
come come
let's all drown in self demolition

omg.pat,micki,ailing and rayson let's meet up soon and bitch bout mslonelyandmsposey :] i've got infoooo. GRINS

Yours Truly


last train home.

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