you're my yellow brick road leading me on

i like myself. only when i smile cause of yours.

how long will it take to finally get out of home? tell me. if you have a house to rent. tell me. if you've got a brilliant plan for me to leave. tell me if you're robbing the bank in a bright yellow school bus. tell me when you know for sure.

somewhere in this town we're running breatheless again
hoping to find someplace where we can share a laugh or two again
(aren't you tired from the repetitive lives we have?)
can't you see we're running in circles again
we see the same scenes over and over again
(do you not know its time to fall down to your grave.)

cause we all fall down again


i always thought that if i ran really fast, i could jump and fly away.


We were so close, like to swords in one heart.
But you're giving me this feeling that we're drifing apart.
You don't come to me like you use to, and I don't cry on ya shoulder.
I'm trying to understand this before darkness takes over.

Did we lose touch cause' I didn't show you love.
Did I say to much, or didn't I say enough?
Did I let you down last time you came around?
I hate to see you pull away.

It's like our rainbow's fading to black and white.
And I just don't know what we have to fight.
Do we have a problem, can we resolve it,
is it something that we gotta talk about,
can we figure it out?
Cause' if we can't work it out make it right,
our rainbow's gonna turn to black and white.

The distance between us is growing everyday.
Feeling up with words we had no chance to say.
What we had was like magic,
we always thought the same thing.
I'm afraid we might lose that,
the colors are always changing.

heh. omg. so much stuff is happening and i just realise there are many things i have not done. and i also realise that photog is my life. hahas. not all but yeah

yesterday's outing was uber fun, what with jasper making bryan wet and the menu making verrell wet too. and all the jokes you laugh cause its just not funny *i am making sense i don't care*
today's outing/pw was fun too! sentosa. hahas. i am making a point of going there every week with my newly engaged xlyn! hahas. i love you dear! and that ring is poking my finger. gah
omg and someone else is attached too *gasps*

sexy la caibei, still can capture the water droplets. lol

anyways, DUCT-TAPE BOY/MACROSCOPIC NINCOMPOOP[yiloong] requests votes so yeah, vote for his photos @
(verrell shut up)

and i forgot what else i was gonna say. hahas.

to ning: i know you can still access blogger when you're in aust, so i think its faster if we communicate through our post :] i'm so glad you came back, really really. i'm so glad i can finally have someone to tell things too. i miss you so much for the past 6 months and did i mention that your messages really surprise me? ok now i've said it. i was so surprised that i cried. hahas. see la. i missed you so much and you're only back for 2 weeks. why why why? don't go back pleaseeee. because i'd have to surpress 6 months of emotions and wait for you to come back so i can pour it all out. hahas. right. see. so you should stay.

maybe one day we'll finally get what we truly want. but what do you truly want? why does human heart falter so?

Yours Truly


last train home.

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