
Your Scholastic Strength Is Deep Thinking

You aren't afraid to delve head first into a difficult subject, with mastery as your goal.

You are talented at adapting, motivating others, managing resources, and analyzing risk.

You should major in:






Foreign language

What Should You Major In?

i know what you wanna say. but don't say it anyway.
i wants that 50mm f1.4!!

cause everything you touched left holes inside

"A first sign of the beginning of understanding is the wish

to Die"
Diaries of Franz Kafka

i can feel my life my soul slowly seeping away from me as i struggle to stay sane these days. days and weeks passed in a blur. like for real, cause half of the time my eyes weren't even fully open. why is it that people always think that they are the only person that others think about. why do people think that they are so important in other people's heart. when actually they're not. why is it that they do not see anyone else outside they're own selfish sphere of self-admiration but themselves. sighs. why do i endeavor in things that i 'm not sure of myself. have you ever gone against your wishes and compromised your integrity and pride just so you can scrap past a day of unending energy draining events.why do i have so many whys. this is stupid. blogging is stupid but i still do it. see it's a prove of how people always do things they don't but only out of habits.

why so sad you asked.
i'm not.i just.i don't know.

the few things that could lift my face into a smile or grin was the night swim with pris last night and the gulping down of a carton of milk with yiloong in public.
(and now i have phlegm stuck in my throat. chrys is going to kill me for this.)
it's the silly things you do that made me smile. thank you friends.

please verrell if you have nothing nice to say, don't :]

Yours Truly


last train home.

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