gosh. i know this is such wrong timing. seeing that i'm caught right smack in the promos season. but i couldn't resist :} i tried to though :]

right so F1 on saturday was fun. and deafening. it sure was a big bang what with all the crashes and all. and all the sibeh tua lens. hahahas. right. sorry. inside joke. anyways, pics :]

oh oh oh! my new teddy :]

hammie's car.

i'm so tired of chasing. so now i'll just walk my pace.
when will you realise i'm no longer by your side?

wow. haven't blogged in ages and this is such wrong timing. ah wells. so many stuffs are happening this week! why must it be promos!
i can't go to f1 thanks to promos
can't go watch the one and only wailers gig (i doubt they'll ever come again) thanks to promos
can't celebrate clara's birthday.
then there's that troublesome honours' night that's on my one and only study break. grr.

but last night was fun! hahas. celebrated yiloong's birthday. gosh i need to grab photos from mich! hahas. we caused the kiddy urinal in the girls toilet to overspill. no wait. mich to be explicit. hahas. she uh stuck out to much.hahas. gosh i swear that was hilarious. i guess they're my crazy bunch of friends. lianne and i always seem to go nuts when we see each other. jem, yiloong and sean just can't stop insulting me when they're together but i guess i'm immune now. HA! take that.
then we walked out to cab and i got high on the roadside cause the cabs just wouldn't come and yiloong was being a bangladesh, although i must say he did fit the criteria's really well last night :}
i swear sugar high when you're suppose to be sleeping isn't fun..

ah wells. screw promos. i'm so dead for gp and math and geo. and maybe lit. which is practically everything.

and just when you thought i'd be there, i'll be brave enough to walk away from you. i don't want to be a shadow. i just want to be seen.

this is yet another pre-emptive warning to verrell.

botanic gardens on the 29th! i think. omg, i'm so busy i forgot when what happened. hahas. but ah wells, you get my drift. i guessed that's prolly the craziest day of the month.cause we were getting high on honey bunny marshmellow~
like 5 mega pieces in one mouth so lianne, yiloong and i went off the rocks. like literally, we were singing to the cookie monster song in the middle of the night at like what?9pm? i laughes at our stupidity but wells, fun day :} and then back to spamming b&js!
good luck to alvar, jess and shirley for their a's! this is like our last outing till you guys are done and free from the ever streneous twines that strangles every living student in singapore.

and holy crap, comex was crazy yesterday, i swear i was hyperventilating halfway. and yiloong's dang clever. i've never met anyone who offended random strangers so quickly and easily than him. maybe aside from me. but yaa. him and his mega huge we scoured 3 levels of masses of body trying to kill each other for electronics. for what? to get a freaking hard disk and a 4gb cf card and a bloody thumb drive for a big fat piece of fishball. grrr. my macbook is still somewhere out of reach. i don't see the point of comex anyway, it's neither cheaper nor does it have the newest stuff. except that all my lovely AT headphones were on display....... holy shit i totally regret buying early. pfft. so we decided to go back to watch pulp fiction! wahaha. i swear tarantino is the best director ever and it's agreed that he chooses the best music. dang it i wants the soundtrack. screw sg for banning nice movies like that.

invention tmr! good luck my friends! drink more water, rest early, pack your bags now and get ready to see some fantastic action tomorrow.
eyedrops here i come.

someday when the sun dies out then i'll finally see the light.

Yours Truly


last train home.

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