
thank you PSC. now i feel like the world is actually just like me.
although i think it's only a temporary feeling

i am currently deeply in love with criminal minds which has not cease to torment my own mind to think further into situations. did i mention i'm in love with doctor reed and agent morgan too :D


halloween in singapore is boring as hell.

we belong together like the morning stars and midnight lights.

you know the feeling where you just look at some people/person and you go "DOH" and just want to walk away that very second? well i think i did and do. many times actually. just the same few people you want to love but can't. not because you're not allowed to. but because you wouldn't let myself do it out of some effing selfish reason you can't even come out with. people are more difficult to understand then a car. period.

and now you're talking to me like we're still friends.
you know when someone breaks up with you. the worse thing to say is let's be friends. but at the same time it's the best. stupid contradictions of life. pfft

ok. i have too many thoughts running at the same time. literally.

Yours Truly


last train home.

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