cause we crash and burn to the point of no return

there has been many things that have been on my mind. my one and only regret ___. i miss my old life.
but i've worked so hard to get here. and i wouldn't let what you say put me down. although it loops on its own in my mind constantly.
but my life's calling out, maybe i won't be back this time cause i feel nothing.

there's somewhere inside me where it's totally gone and i don't know if that's alright or wrong.

sometimes i wish that someone would wipe the tears for me instead.

WOODY ALLEN: That's quite a lovely Jackson Pollock, isn't it?

GIRL IN MUSEUM: Yes it is.

WOODY ALLEN: What does it say to you?

GIRL IN MUSEUM: It restates the negativeness of the universe, the hideous lonely emptiness of existence, nothingness, the predicament of man forced to live in a barren, godless eternity, like a tiny flame flickering in an immense void, with nothing but waste, horror, and degradation, forming a useless bleak straightjacket in a black absurd cosmos.

WOODY ALLEN: What are you doing Saturday night?

GIRL IN MUSEUM: Committing suicide.

WOODY ALLEN: What about Friday night?

GIRL IN MUSEUM: [leaves silently]

have you ever wondered whether you really exist? or are you just a figment of someone else's imagination. what if you lived/are living for the sake of someone's dreams at night.

i love you even when i don't know you. yet

one day when he dies, will you feel as hurt as i have been.
or would you just brush it aside because he didn't mean anything to you.
like he did to me.

maybe it's darker than it seems.


when the blues have fade. who will you worry for first?

i am going to lay off drinks and concentrate on my piano.

my fingers will play till you say it's perfect.

i am going to decide what to do with my life.

i live for variations while you for stoic tunes


thank you PSC. now i feel like the world is actually just like me.
although i think it's only a temporary feeling

i am currently deeply in love with criminal minds which has not cease to torment my own mind to think further into situations. did i mention i'm in love with doctor reed and agent morgan too :D

Yours Truly


last train home.

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